Read all latest corporate law news, articles, notifications & circular on News on laws related to DIPP Labour Minimum Wages Gratuity PF Arbitration Negotiable instrument Essential Commodities SRFAESI Competition Act Corporate Law
Corporate Law : Cloud computing has revolutionized the way organizations manage, store, and utilize data by providing a flexible, scalable, and co...
Corporate Law : Learn the legal process, tax implications, and benefits of converting an LLP into a Private Limited Company. Step-by-step guide fo...
Corporate Law : Supreme Court advises High Courts to prioritize criminal appeals of elderly accused on bail, especially in old cases, to ensure fa...
Corporate Law : AI and automation are reshaping Indian jobs. Learn about skill gaps, industry impact, and future opportunities in IT, finance, hea...
Corporate Law : The initiation of Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP) under Sections 7-10 of the IBC involves different creditors and p...
Corporate Law : CAIT urges the government to block FDI-backed e-commerce firms from controlling inventory, citing threats to 8 crore Kirana MSMEs ...
Corporate Law : The government has no plans to revise the ₹5,000 tax limit for preventive health check-ups. AI-based health initiatives focus on...
Corporate Law : To combat online financial fraud, RBI has launched an AI-based tool, ‘MuleHunter,’ to identify money mules and has advised fin...
Corporate Law : Update on CCI's order regarding WhatsApp and Meta's data sharing. NCLAT's interim stay and government measures to prevent data mis...
Corporate Law : Overview of IBC 2016's impact, amendments, and government's stance on further changes, including flat registration in insolvency c...
Corporate Law : Delhi High Court held that imposition of penalty under section 271DA of the Income Tax Act is justifiable since there is no inordi...
Corporate Law : CCI dismissed allegations of anti-competitive practices in tender for an Olympic-standard pool in Maharashtra. Case highlights ten...
Corporate Law : Supreme Court overturns High Court's order to register ECIR, stating it lacked grounds. Enforcement Directorate to decide on PMLA ...
Corporate Law : Supreme Court addresses IBC appeal delay; Power Infrastructure India vs. Power Finance Corp. NCLAT's strict timeline adherence que...
Corporate Law : Competition Commission of India dismisses allegations of monopoly against Delhi airport operators, citing lack of prima facie evi...
Corporate Law : IBBI disciplinary order highlights contraventions by Mr. Kairav Trivedi in CIRP cases, including non-cooperation, resolution plan ...
Corporate Law : India's Ministry of Cooperation merges audit panels for multi-state co-ops, simplifying auditor appointments for FY 2024-25....
Corporate Law : MSME investment and turnover limits revised. New thresholds apply from April 1, 2025, increasing eligibility for micro, small, and...
Corporate Law : FSSAI waives registration fees for Anganwadi (ICDS) Centers, introduces a new Kind of Business (KoB), and grants five-year registr...
Corporate Law : PFRDA has issued regulations for the Unified Pension Scheme under NPS, applicable to Central Government employees from April 1, 20...
Satish Chander Ahuja Vs Sneha Ahuja (Supreme Court) Conclusion: Suit filed in civil court for mandatory and permanent injunction was fully maintainable and the issues raised by assessee-father-in-law as well as by daughter-in-law claiming a right under Section 19 were to be addressed and decided on the basis of evidence, which was led by the […]
A Will is a very important document for anyone’s life. The death is certain in one’s life, yet people tend to avoid making a Will due to certain self-made reasons- viz. I am too young, I have nothing to give, I will do it later, its too complicated to make a Will, my everything will […]
INTRODUCTION In the year 2003, when Naresh Chandra committee, submitted its report entitling “Report of the Committee on Regulation of Private Companies and Partnerships” and subsequently in the year 2005 when Dr Jamshed J. Irani committee came up with its report on Company Law, they both felt the need for the development of some kind […]
As a result of recent havoc created by heavy rainfall and floods there are reports of loss of human lives and loss of belongings in the affected Districts of primarily the states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Maharashtra and Karnataka. In order to extend every possible facilitation for quick and timely settlement of life insurance claims, you are advised to take the following actions immediately in all the states affected due to this disaster.
IBBI Vs Lalit Kumar Jain & Ors. (Supreme Court) We are of the considered opinion that the Writ Petitions that are pending in the High Courts pertaining to the challenge to the Notification dated 15.11.2019 and related issues have to be transferred to this Court. Transfer of the Writ Petitions to this Court would avoid […]
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) since its very inception has always provided thought leadership to the generations in a proactive and progressive manner. ICAI has been playing a key role nationally, regionally and globally not only towards the growth of the profession, but also has been contributing to the business, industry and commerce across all sectors.
In accordance with Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s vision for augmenting people’s participation and transparency in the governance, Ministry of Shipping has issued the draft of Coastal Shipping Bill, 2020 for suggestions from the stakeholders and general public.
Under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016, the role of the Committee of Creditors is very important. The COC consists of Financial Creditors only and Operational Creditors have no role in the COC expect that their dues are not less than 10% of the total debt in such case the Operational Creditors will find their […]
Legislature in India is doing a decent job of protecting the companies from hostile takeovers. The government of India since the Swaraj case has been very diligent and meticulous. Takeover code is also being updated from time to time and all the amendments have been in the right direction.
In this case, petitioner was granted registration by the Board on 22nd February, 2017. Petitioner concealed the material information about pending CBI case against him at the relevant time. Subsequent acquittal or positive remarks as claimed by him are of no consequence as the aforesaid criminal proceeding was pending before Hon’ble CBI Special Judge against him […]