Days of colonial education system producing clerks, teachers, bureaucrats, academic based lawyers and CAs, doctors, engineers, financial professionals, judges are over and with the unprecedented spate of digital based innovations day to day which is very silently changing not only the landscape of business and administrative world but also the jobs and professionals definitions and role. Therefore undisputedly within five years most of existing jobs in every segment of economy in globally will either be vanished or assume rapid changes to the tune of technological advancement and one thing is crystal clear that very tough time has already started for the IT professionals and industrial , banking workers being usually on the firing line of AI both in India and globally which constitute the 60% of blue and white color jobs in India. Undisputedly very next in the firing line are the engineers, Advocates, bureaucrats, MBA, CAs and other financial professionals, teachers and the heat of AI and automation has already started to be felt in mild way and what is most dreaded reality is that these technological changes are continuously exposing the mammoth skill gap and lack of grasping power of our workers, bureaucrats and professionals and considering the very state of both govt. and pvt. Sector knowledge capacities and infrastructures for re skilling these vast pool of low or zero skilled army of bread earners very rationally as challenging as scaling the MT. EVEREST. Now two important issues for urgent deliberations, first is the reason behind such gigantic incapacity and second is the way out from this impending disaster on Indian perspective.
Now on first issue concerning the reason for this yeoman skill gap which has already started to take considerable toll of jobs and professions. It is first noteworthy to note that the industrial particularly tech companies leaders both globally and domestically are clamoring about huge skill gap of our workers whether of white or blue colors in last ten years in view of advent of AI. Now we have to find out what skill gap means? Up to 2019 before the advent of AI although was in nascent stage Indian education system slowly started coming to reality of impending technological challenges by incorporating computer education from the school level both in govt. and pvt. Sector but due to vast gap of knowledge base between the developed nations and developing and poor nations except China, South Korea all these nations including India took the computer education just as a new subject like science, arts, commerce etc for academic interest and passing in exam and neither the govt. nor the academics nor our industries bothered to think about re skilling these would be workers and professionals or existing others. Instead of choose to bank upon the cheap labor benefits and in last 34 years our industries reaped the maximum benefits by exporting cheap workers and services particularly in IT, PHARMA and Engineering goods and our govt. too by extracting the maximum mileage of revenue generation from the exports and foreign remittances which was concentrated on building massive infrastructures in road, railways, port, electricity by mimicking China without understanding that Chinese economic growth model which was most pragmatic and effective for developing and poor nations since 1990 is itself becoming obsolete due to marathon automation and economic recession and China itself is now in same dire straights as of India by declining jobs, fast growing household debts , plunging value of yuan, complete burst of real estate and construction sector constituting 70% of Chinese economy inspite of 60% of it’s population highly skilled compare to our just 10% contrary to epoch making break through in digital innovations by the Chinese scientists and engineers now and then. So we need not to loss the sleep of night to imagine what is waiting for us?
Now the last and next issue is what is the way out for us from this impending peril? The first answer is that even accepting the maximum potentiality of AI and automation as being claimed by the global tech leaders, on Indian perspective these changes will have cascading affects upon the IT, BPO sector and manufacturing sector in coming days without any iota of doubt thus affecting 40% of our job market in initial but surely would not have such profound effect on medical, heath care, legal& accounting, transport, construction, hospitality and on household workers, teachers, retail businesses since applying these high tech robotics will not be financially and practically viable even in long distant future anywhere in the world but would hit both the govt. and people financially to great proposition by diminishing the earnings potential having most adverse effect on national economy very soon. Moreover our golden goose of earning huge foreign exchanges will suffer biggest set back by shrinking overseas market of IT sector and fast declining foreign remittances due to returning of million of our workers in the Gulf nations and USA particularly and the repatriation process has started already thus dooming the national economy. Although many western and it’s allied nations are flocking India to make their services and manufacturing base in last 3 years but still India’s FDI now reduced to 0.83%of GDP compared to 3.27% of GDP in 2007-08. So one thing is clear the FDI is also in deep trouble. Therefore job creation and export growth data per govt. is highly contrary to the World Bank data. Only one silver lining amid these gloomy scenarios is the fast growing opportunities of personal enterprises be it business or consultancy services by the biggest blessings of Digital technology which will hopefully help our entrepreneurs and professionals of all hues to exploit the maximum financial benefits by exporting services particularly both in overseas and domestic along with retail, health care, pharma, electronics, repair& maintenance service, transport, mining, manufacturing and hospitality to tame the adverse recessionary at least for next 10 years amid the impending global financial storm.