आशा करते है कि आप सब कुशल मंगल होंगे। आज मोदी जी के 20 लाख करोड़ के पैकेज का पहला हिस्सा जारी किया गया।अपने लोगो के लिए प्रमुख बाते इस प्रकार है: 1. आप के existing लोन के ऊपर 20% का अतिरिक्त लोन दिया जाएगा, इसमे ब्याज भी कुछ कम लगेगा। इस लोन का 1 […]
Under Income tax act, some random files are picked by computer based system coupled with some manual selections for verification of income and taxes offered by a tax payer. Widely termed as scrutiny assessment. For decades the assessment was done by local jurisdictional officer, where it is a mass presumption that some mal practices have […]
Ease of doing business is a mirage? Companies Amendment Act, 2019 replaced the words fine with penalty. Is it a Ease of levying Penalties or ease of doing Business? Ease of doing business is a mirage? Companies amendment act 2019 replaced the words fine with penalty, stating that it will reduce the hardship of companies […]