The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has recently issued a notification on 16th July 2024 regarding amendments to the DIR-3 KYC requirements, effective from August 1, 2024 and notified Companies (Appointment and qualification of Directors) Amendment Rules, 2024. This amendment impacts how Directors Identification Number (DIN) holders can update their email IDs and mobile numbers under the Companies Act, 2013. The article will also provide answers to the following questions:
A. How to change the email ID of a person in their DIN?
B. How to change Mobile No of person in their DIN?
C. How many times in a year can individuals amend their email ID or mobile number?
D. How much are the fees charged by MCA for such changes? Etc.
As per the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 Since 2018, the MCA has introduced the DIR-3 KYC form. If any DIN holders wanted to change their email ID or contact number, that was possible only at the time of filing the DIR-3 KYC, and only once in the year.
Provisions of Companies Act, 2013:
Rule 12A of Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014
Extract of Provision before amendment:
Every individual who holds a Director Identification Number (DIN) as on 31st March of a financial year as per these rules shall, submit e-form DIR-3-KYC to the Central Government on or before 30th, September of immediate next financial year.
(Third Proviso) Provided also that in case an individual desires to update his personal mobile number or the e-mail address, as the case may be, he shall update the same by submitting e-form DIR 3 KYC only:
As per the above-mentioned provisions, a DIN holder can amend their email ID or mobile number only once a year. This amendment can occur either between April 1 and September 30, or prior to the filing of DIR 3 KYC for that year.
Extract of Provision before amendment:
(Third Proviso) Provided also that in case an individual desires to update his personal mobile number or the e-mail address, as the case may be, he shall update the same by submitting e-form DIR 3 KYC on or before 30 September of the financial year:
(Fourth Proviso) Provided also that, if an individual intends to update his personal mobile number or the email address again at any time during the financial year in addition to the up-dation allowed under the third proviso, he shall update the same by submitting e-form DIR-3 KYC on payment of fees of five hundred rupees. (DG)
A. Impact of Amendment:
If a Din holder wants to change their email ID or mobile number at any time during the financial year, there are two options:
i. If they want to make amendments after April 1st until September 30th, they can do so by filing the DIR-3 KYC (without any fees).
ii. If they are making amendments after September 30 or after filing DIR-3 KYC once for that year, then they need to file DIR-3 KYC again along with fees of Rs. 500/-.
B. Quick Bites:
I. How to change the email ID of a director in their DIN? / How do I change director details in MCA?/ How do I change the email id of a director?/ Can we change our email id through DIR 6?/
A person who wants to change his email ID in DIN must file the web form DIR-3 KYC along with Rs. 500 fees.
To file a DIR 3 KYC on MCA, an individual must have a login ID on MCA, although they can also use a professional ID.
There is no need to file DIR-6 for changes to the email ID or mobile number. DIR-6 can be used to amend the information except for the two mentioned above.
II. How to change the Mobile No of a director in their DIN? / How do I change director details in MCA? / How do I change the Contact Detail of a director? / Can we change our Mobile No. id through DIR 6?/
A person who wants to change his Mobile No in DIN must file the web form DIR-3 KYC along with Rs. 500 fees.
To file a DIR 3 KYC on MCA, an individual must have a login ID on MCA, although they can also use a professional ID.
There is no need to file DIR-6 for changes to the email ID or mobile number. DIR-6 can be used to amend the information except for the two mentioned above.
III. If a company is submitting DIR-3 KYC for the first time in the financial year, Does the company have to pay any fees for this?
There is no need to pay any fees in this case. If DIR-3 KYC is filed for the first time, then DIR-3 KYC can be filed without fees.
Conclusion: The latest amendments in DIR-3 KYC bring significant relief to DIN holders by allowing more flexibility in updating their contact details. These changes align with the MCA’s efforts to streamline compliance while ensuring accuracy in director information. It is crucial for all concerned parties to be aware of these amendments to avoid any non-compliance issues.
Author – CS Divesh Goyal, GOYAL DIVESH & ASSOCIATES Company Secretary in Practice from Delhi and can be contacted at