The Union Government is presenting its Annual Budget 2015-16 on 28th February, 2015, which falls on Saturday. As it may not be a working day in certain offices, it is desired that all the offices of CBEC/field formations may remain open on that day, so that the changes made in the Budget and their impact on revenue can quickly be examined and analysed by the field formations so as to guide the trade properly and to bring to the notice of the Board any difficulties/anomalies etc. noticed in the tax proposals.
Board’s letter No. F.No. 500/56/2014-FT&TR-IV dated 06th January, 2015, wherein the officers from the field were requested to send all requests for exchange of information from foreign countries in cases getting barred by limitation on 31.03.2015 to the FT&TR Division latest by 15th February, 2015.
I am directed to say that the post of Joint Secretary (Customs) in the Central Board of Excise & Customs under the Revenue Headquarters is proposed to be filled up from among the eligible officers of IRS (C&CE) cadre. IRS (C&CE) officer in the grade of Commissioner of Customs & Central Excise is eligible for the said post.
Of late, it has been observed that a number of notices given by the officers in Grade ‘A’ for seeking voluntary retirement/resignation from the service are sent to the Board at the fag end of the expiry of the prescribed notice period of three months and that too without providing the requisite documents
It has been brought to the notice of the Board by certain Investigation Directorates that some of the Commissioners are not providing manpower to the Investigation Directorates for the purposes of conducting searches for one reason or the other.
As your are aware the Customs data of manual Ports is not available in digitalized from for reporting, policy/decision making or statistical purposes. A need for digitalization of manual customs data for statistical, analytical or policy making requirements has been felt.
It is clarified that the Government servants governed by the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 and entitled to avail LTC may encash earned leave upto 10 days at the time of availing both types of LTCs, i.e. ‘Hometown’ and ‘anywhere in India’.
It is noted with concern that recently in some cases CATs/Courts have imposed penalty on the Government on account of delay in filing or non-filing of reply affidavits in respect of the OAs/CWPs filed in the CATs/Courts despite ample opportunity having been given to the Government to file the reply affidavits.
Based on the feed back received from different officers the position on the implementation of AEBAS has been reviewed by the Chairperson, CBDT who has observed as follows- Very tardy Progress. It appears that field offices have assumed that their work ended with appointment of nodal officers. Please send a self contained advance reminder w.r.t compliance report due on 15.2.2015
Cases, where the tax deducted is between Rs.25,000 and Rs. 1,00,000 and the same is not deposited by the due date prescribed under the Income Tax Act, 1961 read with the Income Tax Rules, 1962 may be processed for prosecution depending