Dated: February 13, 2015
All Chief Commissioners/Director Generals under CBEC
Subject: Notice for voluntary retirement/resignation.
Of late, it has been observed that a number of notices given by the officers in Grade ‘A’ for seeking voluntary retirement/resignation from the service are sent to the Board at the fag end of the expiry of the prescribed notice period of three months and that too without providing the requisite documents, i.e., No Dues Certificate and Certificate regarding length of qualifying service rendered. As a result, the Board is left with very short period for processing the request for seeking approval of the competent authority after obtaining the requisite information as cited above and the vigilance status of the officer concerned. Sometimes it has not been found feasible to decide the matter within the prescribed period of three months of date of application.
2. This has been viewed seriously by the higher authorities as receipt of the notice at the fag end of the prescribed notice period puts unwarranted strain on the already overburdened system.
3. It is, therefore, requested that, henceforth, the notice for voluntary retirement/resignation must be forwarded to the Board within five working days of receipt of the same along with the requisite ‘No Dues Certificate’ and Certificate for length of ‘qualifying service’ rendered as on the date of the notice for VRS/resignation.
4. While forwarding the notice for VRS/resignation to the Board, a copy must simultaneously and invariably be endorsed to the Office of DG(Vigilance) and DS(Ad.V) with the request to send vigilance status in respect of the officer concerned direct to Ad.II Section at the earliest, but not later than 10 days of receipt of the letter by DG(Vigilance)/Ad.V Section.
5. It is reiterated that no action will be taken in the Board on the notice for VRS/resignation received direct from the officer concerned without getting it routed through proper channel. All the officers working under you jurisdiction may be suitably informed in this regard advising them not to send advance copy of the notice for VRS/resignation direct to the Board. Such requests must be routed through proper channel failing which not action will be taken thereon in the Board and the officer concerned would be solely responsible for delay in arriving at a decision with the approval of the competent authority, if any.
6. While every effort is made to get the decision of the competent authority within the stipulated period of 3 months, in a case where there is delay, it may also be noted that the officer concerned who has given notice for VRS/resignation is not to be relieved of his duties till decision of the competent authority on the notice for VRS/resignation is conveyed to the Commissionerate by the Board/Ad.II Section. The officer concerned should be informed by the Chief Commissioner/Director General/Commissioner concerned that he continues on duty till the decision of the competent authority viz. Finance Minister is communicated by the Board. This may be noted for strict compliance.
7. The above instructions may be suitably noted by all the Cadre Controlling Authorities under your jurisdiction.
8. A list of cases due for acceptance during Feb., 2005 and still pending orders may also be submitted.
9. Action Taken Report may be furnished to the Board positively within 10 days.
(Joy Kumari Chander)
Member (P&V)