Fema / RBI : RBI shifts LRS return reporting from XBRL to CIMS, streamlining financial reporting. Circular effective from Dec 26, 2023. Complia...
SEBI : Unlock the guide to BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) compliances covering XBRL filing, board meetings, and regulatory obligations. Esse...
SEBI : BSE and NSE had released another circular on March 31, 2023, providing an additional list of items under Schedule III that need to...
Company Law : Navigate the world of digital reporting with AOC-4 XBRL. Understand the benefits, challenges, and how it transforms financial repo...
SEBI : Stay compliant with BSEs circular mandating XBRL filing for listed companies. Effective from January 28, 2023, disclosures under S...
SEBI : XBRL submission for Outcome of Board meeting will be applicable for Dividend, Buyback, Bonus and Voluntary Delisting events. NSE &...
CA, CS, CMA : In view of implementation of Ind AS 116, ‘Leases ’applicable from the financial year 2019-20, and amendments in other Ind ASs,...
SEBI : It has been decided that filings in respect of Annual Secretarial compliance report should be filed by all listed companies, throu...
Corporate Law : Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has mandated the filing of financial statements in XBRL format for the specified class of comp...
Company Law : The taxonomy for the Commercial and Industrial Companies have undergone a change owing to the requirements under the Companies Act...
Fema / RBI : Introduction: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued a crucial circular, A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.12, dated December 22, ...
SEBI : Stay compliant with BSE's latest circular! Learn about mandatory XBRL filings for share certificates, trading window closure, and ...
SEBI : NSE requires listed entities to file Voting Results in XBRL format only, effective from November 1, 2023. Details in the circular...
SEBI : NSE has now established a provision that requires the filing of the Abridged Prospectus in the XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting...
SEBI : National Stock Exchange of India is seeking comments and feedback on the proposal to migrate from PDF to XBRL format for submittin...
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has set up a Committee to develop the roadmap for future implementation of Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL). This Committee comprises of XBRL experts and representatives from the corporate sector as well as the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). The terms of reference of the Committee are as under:
With the new reporting format, the taxonomy also needed to undergo a change. Accordingly, the new taxonomy, based on the Revised Schedule VI requirements, for the Commercial & Industrial (C&I) companies has been developed by ICAI. The new taxonomy is a general purpose taxonomy capable of being used for filing annual financial statements for any Commercial & Industrial companies.
Implementation of XBRL The Minister of State in the Ministry of Corporate Affairs Shri R.P.N. Singh today informed the Rajya Sabha that the Ministry has set up a committee in November 2011 comprising of XBRL experts and representatives from the corporate sector as well as the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) with the […]
XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language) is another advanced reporting language of the XML family. XBRL ensures that the figures reported to government authorities and other organisation does not remain dormant piece of printed papers but these figures can be used in data analysis.
Dear Professional Colleague, The mode of filing of the Financial Statements have undergone a sea change. Earlier from the physical filing of the records to e-filing and now to a totally new language of reporting called, XBRL. In the first phase of implementation, the scope of XBRL filing has been restricted to a limited number of […]
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has established an added facility under MCA 21, integration with Trade Mark Authority recently. The added feature facilitates professional / public to cross verify Company name before applying for ROC approval.
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has formed a committee to develop the roadmap for future implementation of XBRL. The committee has its Terms of References as under: A. Identification of class of companies and various reports to be filed in XBRL in Phase-wise manner. B. Development of Taxonomies to be used by Corporates for their […]
You are aware that a select class of companies have to file their financial statements for financial year 2010-11 using eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) vide Companies (Filing of Documents and Forms in eXtensible Business Reporting Language) Rules, 2011. Owing to fervent requests from stakeholders, last date of XBRL filings by a company have been extended up to 31.12.2011 or within 60 days from its due date of filing, whichever is later, without any additional fees vide the Ministry’s Circular No. 69/2011 dated 30.11.2011. Please note that companies filing after expiry of this extended timeline would be charged additional fee as per their normal 23AC and 23ACA filings. i.e., late fee for such companies would be calculated with effect from original due date of filing.
A committee has been formed by MCA to develop the roadmap for future implementation of XBRL. The committee has its Terms of References as under: A. Identification of class of companies and various reports to be filed in XBRL in Phase-wise manner. B. Development of Taxonomies to be used by Corporates for their regulatory filings to government agencies.
In partial modification of Para 1 of the Ministry’s Circular no. 57/2011 dated 28.07.2011, the last date for filing financial statements in XBRL mode without any additional fee due to delay by those Phase-I class of companies (excluding exempted class) whose Balance Sheet date for FY 2010-11 is on or after 31.03.2011, has been extended up to 31.12.2011 or within 60 days of their due date of filing, whichever is la