You are aware that a select class of companies have to file their financial statements for financial year 2010-11 using eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) vide “Companies (Filing of Documents and Forms in eXtensible Business Reporting Language) Rules, 2011”. Owing to fervent requests from stakeholders, last date of XBRL filings by a company have been extended up to 31.12.2011 or within 60 days from its due date of filing, whichever is later, without any additional fees vide the Ministry’s Circular No. 69/2011 dated 30.11.2011. Please note that companies filing after expiry of this extended timeline would be charged additional fee as per their normal 23AC and 23ACA filings. i.e., late fee for such companies would be calculated with effect from original due date of filing.
You are therefore advised to ensure that your company files its financial statements in XBRL at the earliest. For further information, kindly visit MCA website
Kindly ignore this message if your company has already filed its financials or it belongs to exempted class of companies as per Ministry’s Circular No: 37/2011 dated 07.06.2011.