Income Tax : Learn about TAN (Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number), its necessity, application process, and the differences between TAN...
Income Tax : 1. File Validation Utility (FVU) version 7.1 for quarterly e-TDS/TCS statement pertaining to FY 2010-11 onwards Key Features 1) Ad...
Income Tax : Learn how to pay your taxes under the Income Tax Act, 1961. Discover the options for online and offline payment and ensure complia...
Income Tax : 1. What is e-tax payment? Ans. This is a facility provided to the taxpayers to make income tax payments through internet using net...
Income Tax : eTutorial - Online TAN Registration and Request for Consolidated TDS/TCS file from TIN - Download Step by step guideline on how to...
Income Tax : Online Upload of e-TDS/TCS statement(s) and AIR functionality will be discontinued from May 1, 2016 at NSDL e-Gov end. The users w...
Income Tax : TIN users who have registered on TRACES but not activated their account within 24 hours will have to register as new user. Click o...
Income Tax : NSDL on its website on 21/06/2011 posted a message by which it asked to Quote updated e-mail ID and contact details including mob...
Goods and Services Tax : Government of India has constituted a seven member Technology Advisory Group for Unique Projects (TAGUP) on June 1, 2010, headed b...
Finance : Ministry of Finance has constituted the Technical Advisory Group for Unique Projects (TAGUP). This Committee has been constituted ...
Income Tax : CIRCULAR NO. 02 / 2009 One of the fundamental principles of financial accounting is that if a person claims credit for payment o...
Goods and Services Tax : As the banks shall not be accepting returns or the corresponding tax payments from such dealers and as they shall not be able to g...
Goods and Services Tax : In order to file electronic returns, the dealers are required to enroll themselves for the e services offered by the Department. I...
Goods and Services Tax : After receipt of Eligibility Certificate and the above mentioned information from the Industry Department, the Sales Tax Departmen...
Goods and Services Tax : Vide above referred Trade Circular, the Sales Tax Department ("the S.T.D.") barred the unregistered dealers/ persons/employers fro...
In order to file electronic returns, the dealers are required to enroll themselves for the e services offered by the Department. It is noticed that some of the dealers have approached sales tax department with their difficulties regarding e enrollment or e filing of returns. The difficulties encountered by these dealers have been given due consideration.
After receipt of Eligibility Certificate and the above mentioned information from the Industry Department, the Sales Tax Department shall issue the Identification Certificate on its own. There is no need for the eligible unit to separately make an application to the Sales Tax Department for grant of Identification Number.
Vide above referred Trade Circular, the Sales Tax Department (“the S.T.D.”) barred the unregistered dealers/ persons/employers from directly paying their tax/ interest/ penalty/composition money/fees/fine/ amount forfeited/ amount of TDS into the Government Treasury. The S.T.D advised the authorized banks not to accept tax/ interest/ penalty/composition money/fees/fine/ amount forfeited/ amount of TDS from the unregistered dealers/ persons/employers.
The Department proposes to provide the compendium of e-services viz., e-return, e-registration, e-declarations, e-annexure, e-Form-704 etc. For availing of these e-services it is mandatory for the dealers to get enrolled with the Department’s web-site i.e. .
The Income Tax Department (ITD) creates Annual Tax Statement of each taxpayer using their Permanent Account Number (PAN) as identifier. The tax statement contains details of tax paid by the taxpayer himself (self assessment/advance tax) and also details of tax deducted/collected from him during the financial year.
No.VAT/MMB-1006/152/Adm-3(Adm-6) Mumbai, dt. 31.07.2008 The Hon’ble High Court has dismissed the Writ petition No. 2000 of 2007 and allied petitions regarding Form 704. The date for filing of Form 704 was extended by the High Court to 30th June 2008. Accordingly, a trade circular cited at reference 13 was issued and the date for filing of Form 704 in respect of the year 2005-06 and 2006-07 was extended to 30th June 2008.