Income Tax : Explore how new tax rebate under Section 87A allows individuals to avoid tax on incomes up to Rs 12 lakh. Learn through illustrati...
Income Tax : Budget 2025 introduces no income tax on earnings up to ₹12 lakhs under the new regime, offering significant relief. Learn about ...
Income Tax : Countrywise withholding tax rates as per the Income Tax Act compared to tax treaties/DTAA. Understand differences & implications f...
Income Tax : Withholding tax rates for dividends, interest, royalties and Fee for Technical Services in different countries. Understand how tax...
Income Tax : Delve into the comparison between the old and new tax systems for FY 2023-24 in India. Explore advantages, factors to consider, an...
Income Tax : Union Budget 2025-26 introduces tax relief with no income tax up to Rs. 12 lakh, benefiting middle-class taxpayers and boosting co...
Income Tax : Rates of income-tax in respect of income liable to tax for the assessment year 2021-22 i.e. Financial Year 2020-21 In respect of i...
Income Tax : Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Finance 01-February-2020 14:43 IST New Personal Income Tax Regime heralds...
Income Tax : Corporate tax rates slashed to 22% for domestic companies and 15% for new domestic manufacturing companies and other fiscal relief...
Income Tax : Higher rate of tax was prescribed in section 115BBE through an amendment made vide Taxation Laws (Second Amendment) Act, 2016 and ...
Income Tax : The Finance Act, 2004 introduced section 111A in the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act) prescribing a tax rate of 10 percent on Short ...
Income Tax : CIT vs. Vishnu Industrial Gases (Delhi High Court) - Where the department had not disputed that the expenditure was deductible in ...
Income Tax : Circular 29/2019 – Clarifications on set off of brought forward loss due to additional depreciation & MAT credit if comp...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC notifies concessional CGST rate on specified handicraft items vide Notification No. 21/2018-Central Tax (Rate), Dated: 26th J...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC allows Refund of accumulated credit on account of inverted duty structure to fabric manufacturers vide Notification No. 20/20...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC amends list of goods exempt from GST vide Notification No. 19/2018-Central Tax (Rate), Dated: 26th July, 2018 with effect fr...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC notifies reduced GST Rates on Several Goods vide Notification No. 18/2018-Central Tax (Rate), Dated: 26th July, 2018 with ef...
DIRECT TAX CODE BILL, 2009 was unveiled by our Hon. Finance Minister on 12th August 2009 and has been placed in the public domain for an analytical study and critical review of all its clauses. It seeks to consolidate and amend all the Laws relating to the Direct Taxes.
In the previous chapter we studied the impact of proposed tax rates and concluded it is more in favour of the rich and not for middle income group. A similar view has also been expressed by group of Senior Income Tax Officials in which they have stated “under the garb of providing long term stability in the tax regime, the tax code in fact would widen the rich-poor gap and create more economic absurdities”[BS.21/09/09] In this chapter we propose to discuss the impact of the new code on the salaried persons who are the most efficient tax payers of this country.
The Income-tax Appellate Tribunal (“the Tribunal”) , in the case of First State Investments (Hongkong) Ltd. A/c First State Asia Innovation and Technology Fund1 (“the assessee”), examined the manner of set-off of short- term capital loss suffered from sale transactions subject to Securities Transaction Tax (”STT”) against short- term capital gains arising prior to introduction of STT, during the financial year.
The long awaited Direct Tax Code Bill 2009 (‘Code’) was finally unveiled by the Finance Minister on August 12, 2009. The Code seeks to bring all direct taxes under one code and pave way for a single unified tax reporting system. The Finance Minister has indicated that the Code has been drafted on a clean […]
It is indeed heartening to note that the tax rates applicable to non-resident corporates are sought to be brought at par with the domestic companies, to be taxed at the rate of 25 per cent. However, correspondingly, the concept of the branch profit tax is proposed to be introduced (which appears to be somewhat akin […]
The new draft Direct Taxes Code proposes to tax capital gains as regular income at normal tax rates, thereby removing the benefits of lower rates for long-term capital gains on sale of shares.
Foreign companies cannot be discriminated vis-a-vis Indian firms so far as capital gains tax on securities transaction is concerned, according to an order by the Authority for Advance Rulings (AAR). Giving its ruling in a case related to UK-based Fujitsu Services, AAR said the company should also be given an option of paying tax at […]
The rates for deducting income-tax at source from Salaries and computing advance tax during the financial year 2008-09 have been specified in Part III of the First Schedule to the Act. These rates are also applicable for charging income-tax during the financial year 2008-09 on current incomes in cases where accelerated assessments have to be […]
In every case in which tax is to be deducted at the rates in force under the provisions of sections 193, 194, 194A, 194B, 194BB, 194D and 195 of the Income tax Act, the rates for deduction of income-tax at source during the financial year 2008-09 have been specified in Part II of the First […]
Notification No 8/2009 – ST dated 24.02.2009 has been issued to exempt the service tax that is in excess of 10%. On the other hand this is reduction of service tax rate from the existing rate of 12% to 10%. What is the effective date for the new rate? Ans. The new rate is effective from 24.02.2009 on all services.