Finance : Learn how to pay taxes with a credit card, its benefits, drawbacks, and factors to consider. Discover if it’s the right option f...
Income Tax : Learn about of e-payment of direct taxes and its mandatory and optional aspects. Discover benefits, requirements, and steps for m...
Finance : Explore advantages and disadvantages of various tax payment methods, including online, over-the-counter, mobile banking, and net b...
CA, CS, CMA : Simplify your tax payments in India with ESBTR Challan payments. Explore how this digital method enhances convenience, reduces err...
Goods and Services Tax : IGST, CGST, SGST & UTGST: Learn about the different types of GST and the Payment of Tax under GST Part I by Sri. Raju of Chennai....
Income Tax : Comprehensive list of 30 banks available at the e-Filing Portal's e-Pay Tax service. Find out the new and migrated banks, along wi...
Income Tax : Income, expenditure, and tax payment history of BCCI over last five years. Understand BCCI's financial data, income tax payments, ...
Corporate Law : Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley inaugurates the Non-Tax Receipt Portal (NTRP); Portal provides a one-stop platform to citizens/...
Income Tax : The last date of payment of December 2015 installment of advance tax for both corporate and non-corporate taxpayers in the State o...
Income Tax : Income Tax Rules provide that the following persons shall pay tax electronically (i.e. internet banking facility or through credit...
Income Tax : The last date of payment of December 2015 installment of advance tax for both corporate and non-corporate taxpayers in the State o...
Fema / RBI : Agency banks doing Government business alone will be permitted to present instruments in the Special Clearing on other participati...
Fema / RBI : With a view to facilitate collection of advance taxes for Income Tax and Corporate Tax and meeting the probable rush of tax-payers...
Fema / RBI : These special clearings are exclusively for Government receipts and is in addition to the normal clearing operations conducted on ...
Fema / RBI : Accordingly, it has been decided that all Agency banks shall keep the counters of their designated branches conducting Government ...
As per section 208, every person whose estimated tax liability for the year is Rs. 10,000 or more, shall pay his tax in advance, in the form of advance tax. In this part you can gain knowledge on various provisions relating to payment of advance tax by a taxpayer.
There are two modes of payment of direct taxes (i) physical mode i.e. payment by furnishing the hard copy of the challan at the designated bank; and (ii) e-payment mode i.e. making payment by using the electronic mode. In this part, you can gain knowledge about various provisions relating to e-payment of various direct taxes.
Whether Hitches In E-Payments of Taxes Will Be Resolved In NSDL Website/New I-T Portal While we make payment of Direct Taxes via the ‘NSDL Web site’, every time we have to fill the address of the assessee, which in my opinion can be dispensed with since the address of the assessee is already available with […]
What is e-tax payment? Ans. This is a facility provided to the taxpayers to make income tax payments through internet using net-banking facility. · Can I use this facility to pay income tax? Ans. You can, if; a) You have a bank account with net-banking facility, and b) Your bank is amongst the banks that provide the e-tax payment facility.
The Government believes that the tax payers should discharge their income tax liability simultaneously while earning and expects you to Pay as your earn. This philosophy is implemented through two modes.
Corporate Assessee:- In case you have to deposit appellate fees, copying charges or other miscellaneous payments, tick box 0020, thereafter tick box ‘300 Self Assessment Tax’ under ‘Type of Payment’ and fill up the amount to be paid in ‘Others’ column under ‘Details of Payment’.
Advance Tax provisions are not applicable in case of assessees having income under head PGBP U/s 44AD and 44AE i.e presumptive income. Advance Tax provisions are not applicable in case of senior citizens aged above 60 years, but if senior citizens have business income then Advance Tax provisions are applicable.
Treatment of wrong kind of tax payment viz, CGST and SGST /UTGST In lieu of IGST and vice versa. Introduction: ♣ It is possible to come across situations where a registered person has paid the wrong kind of tax viz, CGST and SGST / UTGST in lieu of IGST and vice versa. Therefore, such incorrect […]
Procedure for online payment through foreign banks in respect of OIDAR Service Tax Payments by Non Taxable Territory (NTT) Assessees
E-payment of tax is a facility provided to the tax payers to make tax payments through internet using net-banking facility. Electronic Accounting System in Excise and Service Tax (EASIEST) is a web based payment gateway launched by CBEC in 2006/2007 enabling assessees to pay Central Excise Duties and Service Tax online.