Income Tax : Why does tax evasion still thrive despite all the efforts to stop it? And more importantly, what can be done to fix it? This blog ...
Income Tax : Learn the key differences between tax avoidance and tax evasion in India, legal provisions, real-world cases, and government measu...
Income Tax : One of the most infamous tax evasion cases in India is the Sahara India tax evasion case, which highlights the legal implications ...
Income Tax : This blog will examine the causes of tax evasion in India, the effects it has on society, and possible remedies to guarantee a mor...
Corporate Law : Updating circle rates to match market value can reduce tax evasion, black money, and cash transactions in real estate, ensuring tr...
CA, CS, CMA : Government surveys tax evasion, improves services, and details state-wise tax collections, highlighting growth in direct and indir...
Goods and Services Tax : Details of GST evasion cases by cryptocurrency exchanges in India, including investigations and actions taken by the Government of...
Goods and Services Tax : DGGI reveals over 6,000 fake ITC cases, ₹57,000 Cr GST evasion, and 500 arrests from April 2020 to September 2023. Explore the f...
Goods and Services Tax : We need to better utilize AI, data-analytics, IoT and other technologies to identify fraudulent practices, such as detection of ta...
Goods and Services Tax : Centralized suspension of registrations pertaining to registered persons who default in timely filing of returns is being carried ...
Goods and Services Tax : Saurabh Jindal & Yashik Jindal Vs Union Of India (Rajasthan High Court) In a significant legal development, the Rajasthan High...
Custom Duty : Explore the detailed analysis of the judgment in Babulal Qazi vs Union of India by Rajasthan High Court. Learn about the legal int...
Goods and Services Tax : Explore the full text of the Rajasthan High Court judgment on Mohammad Shadab Kadris bail application amid GST Act violations. Leg...
Goods and Services Tax : Explore the detailed analysis of the bail granted to Mohammed Ali Akram Khan vs Union of India by Rajasthan High Court. Learn abou...
Income Tax : Since the penalty was reduced from 300% to 100% of the tax sought to be evaded, assessee was entitled to the benefit of Section 27...
Goods and Services Tax : CGST, Vadodara, upon intelligence developed through data analysis, have booked a case of issuance of fake invoices valued at Rs. ...
Goods and Services Tax : DGGI arrested a managing Director (MD) of a company Following intelligence developed by the officers that fake invoices were recei...
Goods and Services Tax : The officers of Daman Cornmssionerate have detected a case of default in GST payment against Mrs Radha Madhav Corporation Limited ...
Goods and Services Tax : The registration procedure under Goods and Services Tax Act is simplified with the objective of ease of doing business. After onli...
Excise Duty : Circular No. 1009/16/2015-CX Whoever commits any of the offences specified under sub-section (1) of Section 9 of the Central Exci...
Petitioner is found to have deliberately supplied goods without issuing invoices in violation of the provisions of AGST Act with intention to evade Tax during the period of 2019 to 2021.
The total turnover of the firms of the accused is approximately Rs. 400 Crores and amount of GST fraud committed by the firm was to the tune of Rs. 35 Crores. Recovery of Rs. 5 Crore approx. has also been made including blocking of ITC of Rs. 1.2 Crore.
ILLIQUID STOCK TRADING AND TAX EVASION 1. The ‘scam’ So a new scam beckons us. That of allegedly executing fraudulent trades in illiquid stock options by committing irregularities in the equity derivative segment. 2. Operation Falcon Popular belief is that the scam unearthed after the investigation wing of the I-T Department launched ‘Operation Falcon’ in […]
Subhash Kumar Singh Vs State of Assam and Anr. (Gauhati High Court) It has been, prima facie, found that the evasion of tax was more than Rs. 5 crores which necessitated the arrest of the Petitioner in compliance of the provision of Section 132 (1) (i) of the Assam GST Act, 2017. Hence, the argument […]
CGST authorities bust input tax credit fraud of more than Rs 31,000 crore involving more than 7,200 cases in FY 2020-21 The Goods and Services Tax authorities have unearthed over Rs 31,000 crore of tax fraud committed by misuse of input tax credit (ITC) provision under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime during the […]
The interface for the taxpayers is on a digital platform and software-based, to be used for payment of tax and to comply with the requirements of law and procedure by taxpayers. This was stated by Union Minister of State for Finance Shri Pankaj Chaudhary in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.
Tax is a mandatory fee levied by the Government on an individual or entity to collect revenue for public work and we all are aware of the importance of tax for the development of any country. But, in many instances, we come across the news in our surroundings about tax evasion or non-payment of tax […]
(a) As on 01.06.2021, total undisclosed credits amounting to Rs. 20,078 crores have been detected with respect to India linked entities in the Panama Paper Leaks. (b) Disclosure of information regarding specific taxpayers is prohibited except as provided under section 138 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 and section 84 of the Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Incomeand Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015.
The evil consequence of tax evasion or avoidance are manifold which are short listed as under 1. There is substantial loss of much needed public revenue particularly in a welfare State like ours as India which is a developing Country day by day. 2. There is the serious disturbance caused to the economy of the […]
Nowadays it has become a common practice for tax regulating authorities or anti-evasion department to charge every assesse with “evasion of tax by way of willful suppression of facts” without properly assessing the books of accounts or any investigation at the time of findings of any short payment of tax. And here the question arises […]