Income Tax : Simplified penalty timelines under Section 275 effective April 2025, including changes in penalty powers, omissions, and clarifica...
Income Tax : Income Tax Act amendments propose penalties by Assessing Officers instead of Joint Commissioners. Omission of section 271BB and ch...
Income Tax : Post-Finance Bill 2025, penalties under specified sections of the Income-tax Act will be levied by the Assessing Officer, with Joi...
CA, CS, CMA : जानें जीएसटी और आयकर एक्ट में नकद संव्यवहार के नि...
Income Tax : Explore provisions and penalties in the Income Tax Act 1961 regarding cash transactions. Understand limits for loans, deposits, an...
Income Tax : It has also been decided that the restriction on cash transaction under section 269ST shall not apply to withdrawal of cash from ...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court sets aside ₹14.63 crore penalty on Property Plus Realtors, ruling the order was issued beyond the statutory lim...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that revisionary jurisdiction under section 263 of the Income Tax Act cannot be invoked as AO exercised a plau...
Income Tax : Income Tax Settlement Commission (ITSC) had authority to make additions to the declared income of taxpayers as ITSC's role was not...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi rules no penalty for All Fresh Supply Management Pvt. Ltd. under Section 271DA, acknowledging no intent to evade tax. R...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai held that there is no violation of provisions of section 269SS when all sale deeds were registered and cash payment w...
Income Tax : Circular No. 22 of 2017 F.No.370142/10/2017-TPL Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue (Central Board of Di...
With an aim to hold control over black money transaction and also to promote the digital transactions, the provisions of section 269ST of the Income Tax Act were introduced and made effective from 1st April 2017. The provisions of section 269ST mandate specific modes of undertaking transactions. In case the person fails to comply with […]
To put restriction on the cash transactions & promote digital economy, section 269ST was inserted in the Income-tax Act, 1961 vide Finance Act, 2017 w.e.f 1st April 2017. Article discusses Provisions of Section 269ST which Prohibits receipt of an amount of Rs. 2 lakh or more by a person, Section 271DA which provides penalties for […]
SECTION 269ST- Treatment of Cash Transactions above Rs. 2 Lakhs You can repay your loan amount to any HFC (Housing finance company) or NBFC (Non-banking finance company) in cash provided each loan installment is less than Rs 2 lakhs. The government in the last budget introduced Section 269ST. Under the section, cash transactions exceeding Rs.2 […]
As we all are aware of Section 269ST which was introduced by finance act, 2017 in Income tax act, 1961 by the central government in order to curb the tax evasion, regulation and circulation of Black money. This article will cover the detailed analysis of the said section alongwith some practical examples. 1. Basic Understanding […]
In this article we will understand why section 269ST is introduced and what is the need of invoking such provisions, Section 269ST was introduced by finance act, 2017 in Income tax act, 1961 by the central government in order to curb the tax evasion, regulation and circulation of Black money. Most of the transactions in […]
Finance Act 2017, instead of amending section 273B, inserted a proviso to section 271DA itself to the effect that, no penalty shall be imposable if such person proves that there were good and sufficient reasons for the contravention of section 269ST. However, what could constitute good and sufficient reasons for contravention have not been defined.
The Finance Bill, 2017 has proposed to introduce a new section 269ST in the Income Tax Act with effect from 01st April, 2017. This section aims for restricting the cash transaction for achieving the mission of the Government to move towards less cash economy to reduce generation and circulation of black money in the economy.
The Central Government is continuously working to curb and stop black money circulations in our country. In order to achieve their motto Central Government has introduced provisions of Section 269ST and 271DA in the Income Tax Act, 1961, with effect from 1st April, 2017.
The Government of India with an intention to evade black money and to discourage the cash transactions time and again taking various steps. Specially the Income tax Act is amended and provided with disallowances and stringent penal provisions for various types of cash transactions. Let us briefly understand some of such provisions here.
To put restriction on the cash transactions & promote digital economy, a new section 269ST has been inserted in the Income-tax Act, 1961 vide Finance Act, 2017. * Section 269ST – In Brief: The said section, prohibits receipt of an amount of ` 2 lakh or more by a person, Circumstances — In aggregate from […]