Corporate Law : Generally, 'Trade Union' means the formal association of the workers or employees in an organization, a group of trades or profess...
CA, CS, CMA : Life is impossible without communication through speech, writing or gestures. The progress and development of the society are the ...
CA, CS, CMA : Everybody faces hardship of life. Life is simple, though appears to be complex. It's interpretation and handling of life that matt...
CA, CS, CMA : Everybody likes success in their life. However, Success is not a fairy tale that revolves around the element of miracle and imagin...
Income Tax : Generally, with the rise in literacy and income levels, the standard of living should go up. This is not so with the present socie...
Competence makes the difference between the success and failure. It performs even in adverse circumstances by making adaptation and taking advantage from the hindrances. This is what emphasized by the Darwin’s theory of ‘Natural selection and the survival of the fittest.’
Friendship is the best relationship that a person should have to lead a more meaningful life in this world, next only to the Family system. An understanding spouse is the best friend in married life. When elders treat the juniors as friends, peace and happiness are sure to prevail.
Life is meaningful when it has a purpose. Any Life becomes useful after satisfying the need of self or others. Human life is precious because of the superior power of reasoning. Constructive application of this power benefits all the inhabitants of the Earth while its negative use spells doom for everybody, including the self.
Speed has become a fashion and necessity in the digital era. The limited resources and the growing population have necessitated the development of speedy service as Fast food, Express ticketing, Quick visas, Fast lane traffic, etc. Even the time is moving on the fast track: years get completed before we count the days. Burgers and pizzas profit from our hastiness and laziness.
Discipline refers to ‘Orderliness, System and Code of behavior.’ We can notice the discipline in our surrounding nature also. Animals and plants have discipline. Birds fly in flocks. Bees and Ants work as a team. The upper part of a plant grows towards the sunlight while the underground roots spread searching for water and nutrition.
‘Indebtedness’ refers to a situation in which a person becomes liable for a service or favor. Our life depends on several aspects like Nature, Society, Culture, Politics, etc.. The growth and development of us is woven around these factors. Everything is interlinked and interdependent as well.
Many people have an uncaring and casual attitude on life. Either, they are easy-going type or ignorant of their duties. Some people don’t believe in hard-work and perseverance. Instead, they prefer idleness and lethargy to suit their lifestyles and comfort. My friend makes all the hustles in the eleventh hour of his trip though he has prior knowledge of his travel program.
A man who makes no mistakes does not usually do anything. All great things in life have been discovered and developed out of doing mistakes only. In the middle of difficulty only, lies the opportunity. Mistakes can be reduced if we love what we do. Many people tend to blow up even the small mistakes of others.
Money can get many things, but not all of our life. Can we buy health, love and affection? Is it possible to remove a person’s pain and problems with money alone? Despite the facilities like best teaching, environment and timely food, a student fails in the exams. A man asked God, Give me everything to enjoy life. God replied, I have given you life to enjoy everything. Life can be happy without money, but not the other way round.
Banking has become an essential part of our life. Money matters everywhere. It’s the lifeline for banks. Even the richest person needs to keep money with a bank only. The dealings with banks and conduct of accounts go a long way in determining the benefits a person derives from them.