Discover the latest government policies and their impact on society. Stay informed about regulations, laws, and initiatives shaping the country's governance. Explore our comprehensive coverage of government policies and their implications.
Finance : Examining the economic impact of agri-commodity trade under FTAs. Wheat trade case study highlights supply-demand equilibrium, inf...
Corporate Law : Explore the reality of women in leadership. Legal mandates like SEBI and Companies Act aim for diversity, but true inclusion deman...
Finance : The economic management of every country be it developed from the developing state, taxation is an important subject but in the de...
Corporate Law : A study on Bangalore’s auto component SMEs explores how innovation enhances competitiveness, impacts employment growth, and its ...
Goods and Services Tax : Women often pay more for personal care, clothing, and financial services due to the Pink Tax. Learn about gender-based pricing and...
Corporate Law : CBI dismantles a virtual asset-backed cybercrime network defrauding German nationals, arresting key accused and recovering digital...
Finance : Explore trends in India's household savings, liabilities as a percentage of GDP, and measures for the middle class in the Union Bu...
Corporate Law : जानें उत्तर प्रदेश बार काउंसिल की 2025 साक्षात्कार ...
Finance : India has extradition treaties with 48 countries. Details of loan and tax offenders and extradition arrangements were shared in th...
Excise Duty : Govt clarifies tax increase on tobacco products, citing changes in excise duty on cigarettes and GST rules. Revenue funds overall ...
Corporate Law : Supreme Court of India invalidates State VAT amendments made post-GST, citing issues of legislative competence in Telangana, Gujar...
Corporate Law : Kharghar Co-op. Housing Societies Federation Ltd Vs Municipal Commissioner (Bombay High Court) Bombay High Court in the matter of ...
Corporate Law : Calcutta High Court held that computation of award amount without multiplying the amount with the multiplier 13 is unjustifiable....
Corporate Law : Ours being a Welfare State, the respondents who happen to be instrumentalities of the State under Article 12, cannot act arbitrari...
Corporate Law : Held that there is no infringement of copyright as some contents are bound to be similar as teaching given in the Holy Books Quran...
Corporate Law : The Coastal Shipping Bill, 2024, introduced in Lok Sabha, aims to regulate coastal trade, boost domestic participation, and enhanc...
Corporate Law : The Ministry of Agriculture announces revised guidelines for the AMI Sub-scheme of ISAM, effective from November 10, 2024, for new...
Corporate Law : The Central Government increases minimum wage rates by revising the Variable Dearness Allowance, effective October 1, 2024, aiding...
Corporate Law : MHA issues guidelines to ensure nondiscriminatory prison visitation rights for LGBTQ+ community, emphasizing equal treatment in al...
Corporate Law : Get clarity on GPF interest exceeding 5 lakhs. Learn about revised provisions & implications for government servants' GPF subscrip...
We know that a Contract Of Insurance is based on utmost good faith. It means, while at the time of applying for insurance the insured has disclosed all material facts and other required details to the insurance company and vice-versa. The facts disclosed by an insured will help insurance company to decided risk exposure and […]
DPIIT can consider PMP for the White Goods Industry- Shri Anurag Jain, Secretary, DPIIT at DPIIT-FICCI Investor Round table on PLI for White Goods DPIIT to support PLI investors to get faster clearances for projects Components Plants coming up at over 50 locations across India Over whelming Response to PLI for White Goods Industry Speaking at […]
Ease Of Doing Business – अर्थात ‘व्यवसाय करने में सरलता’ पिछले कुछ वर्षों से विषय अंतर्राष्ट्रीय, राष्ट्रीय एवं मध्यप्रदेश राज्य के स्तर पर एक महत्वपूर्ण चर्चा के बिंदु के रूप में छाया हुआ है | ‘मेक इन इंडिया’ जैसे आंदोलनों के द्वारा अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर विभिन्न देशो में समूहों में भारत एक नए इन्वेस्टमेंट डेस्टिनेशन […]
Regarding Vulnerability In PNB Server As Reported By Cyberx9 REPLY TO media report DATED 21st November 2021 regarding Vulnerability in PNB server as reported by CyberX9 We have noted the media report published in certain newspapers on 21.11.2021 reporting data exposure of account holders of PNB. In this context, we wish to clarify as under: […]
Exception of the rules of FOSS V HARBOTTLE The rule in Foss v. Harbottle is not absolute but is subject to certain exceptions. That are the exception of rule Foss V. Harbottle. 1. Ultra Vires Acts. Where the company or its directors representing the majority of shareholders and perform any such activities which is not […]
List of 26 New Bills to be presented in Lok Sabha with Object which includes The Chartered Accountants, the Cost and Works Accountants and the Company Secretaries (Amendment) Bill, 2021, The Insolvency and Bankruptcy (Second Amendment) Bill, 2021, The Cryptocurrency and Regulation of Official Digital Currency Bill, 2021, The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority […]
Geographical Indication In India – Geographical Indication of Goods (Registration And Protection) Act 1999: Until recently, people were not able to register Geographical indications in India and as there was an absence of statutory protection; Indian geographical indications had been also misused by persons stays outside India to show that goods are not originating from […]
In the case of a company objects or powers which is not stated in the memorandum is prohibited by the doctrine of ultra vires. As a result, an act which is ultra vires is void and it shall not bind the company. Neither the company nor the party to the contract can sue on it.
BJP MP Varun Gandhi Writes to PM Modi and requested that the demand for a law on MSP & other issues must also be decided upon immediately, so our farmers can return home after ending their agitation.
व्यक्तिगत डेटा संरक्षण अधिनियम 2019 जो केन्द्रीय केबिनेट ने 2019 में मंजूर किया था वो संसदीय समिति के समक्ष विचारर्थ था जिसे 22/11/2021 को बहुमत से पारित कर दिया गया है. इस तरह अब यह संसद के अगले सत्र में पेश होगा और पास होते ही यह कानूनी रूप ले लेगा. ये बिल भारतीय नागरिकों […]