Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has issued revised operational guidelines for the Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure (AMI) Sub-scheme under the Integrated Scheme for Agricultural Marketing (ISAM), effective for projects where term loans are sanctioned after November 10, 2024. The revised guidelines have been shared with various stakeholders, including NABARD, National Cooperative Development Corporation, CCS NIAM, NABCONS, and state government officials.
F. No. M-11011/06/Revised Operational Guidelines/2023-AMI (Pt.)
Government of India
Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Department of Agriculture & Famers Welfare
Directorate of Marketing & Inspection
HO: New CGO Complex, NH.IV, FARIDABAD-121001
Phone: 0129-2434348, Email:
Dated the 4th November, 2024
1. The Chief General Manager,
Department of Refinance,
NABARD, Head Office, Mumbai
2. The Managing Director,
National Cooperative Development
Corporation, 4 – Siri Institutional
Area, HauzKhas, New Delhi – 110 01
3. The Director General,
CCS NIAM, Kota Road,
Bambala, Near Sanganer, Jaipur
4. The Managing Director, NABCONS,
7th Floor, NABARD, Tower, 24,
Rajender Palace, New Delhi Jaipur
5. Principal Secretaries (Agricultural Marketing) of all State Governments
Sir/ Madam,
Sub: Revised Operational Guidelines of AMI Sub-scheme of ISAM
With reference to the subject cited above, the undersigned is directed to convey the approval of the Competent Authority of Revised Operational Guidelines of AMI Sub-scheme of ISAM, applicable for the projects for which term loan is sanctioned on or after 10.11.2024. The revisions are annexed.
Detailed guidelines of the AMI scheme shall be issued in due course of time. It is requested that the above revisions may be brought to the notice of all stakeholders of AMI Sub-scheme of ISAM, including all the eligible Financial Institutions and Cooperative Institutions, etc., accordingly.
Yours faithfully,
(P. Melvin Roy)
Deputy AMA, I/c. AMI Division,
For Agricultural Marketing Adviser
Copy for favour of information to:
1. PPS to AS (Marketing) – cum – AMA, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi
2. All ROs & SOs of DMI with a request to convey the above revisions to all the stakeholders including concerned State Government agencies
MoA&FW, GoI notification dated 12 August 2024 the above scheme is now continued only in few districts of MP where there is shortfall of storage capacity.