Securities and Exchange Board of India
Press Release No.: 29/2019
Date: Dec 11, 2019
Clarification on “Information to public on complaints”
This has reference to an observation expressed in a section of media that SEBI “will henceforth entertain complaints against market participants only if the whistleblower is reachable to substantiate allegations and provide supporting documents. It has also said that complaints made to it must be from an identified source.” Reference has also been drawn to a public notice published on SEBI website regarding a complaint against an MII.
It is clarified that SEBI gives utmost importance to all complaints either received anonymous or otherwise and takes necessary action after verifying the contents. However, SEBI may not be able to handle complaints which are anonymous and not specific or substantiated or verifiable. Any complaint which has verifiable or substantiated facts, even if it is anonymous, is considered by SEBI, for further necessary action.