Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi
Trade Notice 25 Dated 29.3.2012
Members of Trade
All Regional Authorities of DGFT
Subject : Aayat Niryat Form 2E(ANF 2E)-Application for Special Chemicals, Organisms, Materials, Equipment and Technologies (SCOMET) Export Licence- Introduction of Provision for On-line filing.
1.Facility for online filing of Aayat Niryat Form 2E (application form for SCOMET Licence) is being introduced by DGFT to reduce time and transaction cost for the exporters and facilitate faster processing of SCOMET applications. Online SCOMET application can be accessed on the DGFT website under the icon ‘ECOM Application’.
[Guidelines for filling the online application are given at the end of this Trade Notice. These are also available on DGFT website under the icon ‘SCOMET Items’.]
2. A detailed step by step guide for filling the online SCOMET application is available on the DGFT website ( under the ‘Help’ option. A link for ‘SCOMET Help’ guide has also been provided at the end of the ‘Guidelines’ given below. Exporters are encouraged to file ANF 2E applications online.
3. Exporters will have the option to apply for SCOMET licence either by submitting a paper application to the DGFT(Hqrs.), Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi or by filing application online. This facility of applying either by a hard copy or online will cease on 30.06.2012. With effect from 1.7.2012, online filing of ANF 2E will be mandatory.
4. For any clarification, query or difficulty faced during online submission, exporters are welcome to contact (i) Smt. Jean G.V. Zingkhai, Dy. DGFT (SCOMET Cell) [ , Telephone 011-23061562, Extension 253] or (ii) Shri B.D. Panwar, FTDO (SCOMET Cell) [ , Telephone 01123061562, Extension 271].
5. Feed back and suggestions shall be appreciated. E-mail may be sent to the undersigned with subject header ‘Online filing of ANF 2E’.
(Vibha Bhalla)
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
Phone No.011-23062240
(F.No. 01/91/162/18/AM-12/EC)
1. A detailed step by step guide for filling the online SCOMET application is available on the DGFT website ( under the ‘Help’ option which can be accessed as follows:-
Go to DGFT website.
Click on ‘Help’.
Click on option ‘SCOMET Help’.
Screen by screen help will open.
Go through this entire guide before proceeding to fill in the application.
(A link to the ‘Help’ guide has also been provided at the end of these guidelines).
2. On the DGFT website, application form ANF 2E is available under the icon ‘ECOM Application’ and can be accessed as follows:
Click on ‘ECOM Application’.
Sign in with IEC and Digital Signature.
Click on ‘SCOMET Online’.
Main screen ‘SCOMET’ will open.
Click on option ‘File’.
Click on option ‘Create’.
ANF 2E will open. Fill in the information as directed.
3. While filling the online application, following need to be kept in mind:-
(i) All columns must be filled correctly and completely. No column is to be left blank. If information is not applicable, ‘Not Applicable’ may be filled in the space provided.
(ii) Where FOB value has to be filled, if the export does not have a commercial value, ‘00.00’ may be filled.
(iii) Drop down lists have been provided wherever possible. Where no drop down list has been provided, requisite details must be filled in correctly in the space provided.
(iv) Documents as per list in Para 4 below need to be uploaded. A check list for ‘Uploaded documents’ has been provided at the end of the application. Please tick whichever document has been uploaded.
‘Master’ screen:
(v) Port of Loading/Shipment must be selected from the drop-down list provided. Correct port must be selected. No change of route/mode of transport will be allowed after export licence has been issued. Port of discharge must be filled in the space provided (No drop-down menu provided for this).
(vi) FOB in Rupees and in relevant currency need not be filled in the ‘Master’ screen. This detail in ‘Master’ screen will get automatically populated once the same is filled in the ‘Item of Export’ screen.
(vii) Fill in details in all columns on this screen. Then click on buttons/options given on the right side of this screen. Relevant screens will open. Proceed to fill each one.
‘Item of Export’ screen:
(viii) SCOMET Categories have been provided as a drop-down list. Correct category must be selected. SCOMET item number must be filled in correctly in the space provided.
(ix) Space has been provided to fill in the details of maximum of six (6) items of export. If items are more than six ( 6), details must be uploaded as extra sheet in the same format as on this screen.
‘Previous Export’ screen:
(x) For Previous Exports, drop-down menu for year has been provided. Select the respective year and fill in details.
‘Foreign Buyer/Consignee/End-User’ screen:
(xi) A drop down list has been provided for Foreign Buyer/Consignee/End-User. Choose each one from the drop-down list and fill details of each separately.
(xii) Complete address should be given in respect of the Foreign Buyer, the Consignee and the End User. Only P.O. Box No. will not be accepted.
‘Bank Details’ screen:
(xiii) Filling ‘Bank details’ is mandatory. For applications where the consignment has no commercial value (e.g. blood samples etc.,) ‘Not Applicable’ must be filled in all columns under ‘Bank Details’.
(xiv) Giving details of IBAN, SWIFT Code and IFSC Code is mandatory. If IBAN is not used in the country to which item is to be exported i.e. IBAN is not available, this may be mentioned. For example, if items are to be exported to South Korea and IBAN is not used in that country ‘IBAN not used in South Korea’ must be filled.
4. Following documents are to be uploaded with the online application :
(i) Purchase Order(s) from the Foreign Buyer, the Consignee, and the End–User and in respect of all items to be exported as mentioned in the application.
(ii) End User Certificate(s) from all end-users. (Also see Paras 5&6 below).
(iii) Technical Specifications (not exceeding one page for each item) for the items to be exported.
(iv) Copy of contract or agreement if a third party or contractor is involved (provision has been made to allow uploading of multi-page document).
(v) List of exports made during the last three (3) licensing years in the same format as in ‘Previous Export’ screen, if number of export items are more than six(6). (See note at the bottom of the screen).
(vi) Details of Bills of Entry for the preceding one (1) year (to be uploaded only with the 1st application in a financial year).
(vii) Copy of 1st page of 1st application filed in the financial year vide which BEs for SCOMET items exported during the last one year were physically forwarded to DGFT.
5. After submitting the application online, hard copies of following documents must be sent to the DGFT(HQRS), Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi by post:
(i)Original End User Certificate(s) (see para 6 below).
(ii) Copies of Bills of Entry (BEs) into the destination country for SCOMET items exported during the preceding one(1) year. This is to be filed only with the 1st application filed in a financial year. Copy of the forwarding letter of 1st application to be uploaded with every subsequent online application.
ECOM No. & date of application submitted online must be mentioned in the forwarding letter.
6. End User Certificate :
(i) In addition to uploading scanned copies, original End User Certificate(s) (in the format as in Appendix 36 on the Letter Head of the End User) indicating complete details of the export product, end product, end purpose for which the item of export will be used by end user must be furnished, by post to DGFT. Letter Head of the end-user must carry complete address and telephone number of end user.
(ii) End User Certificates from the following must also be submitted.
(a) From the Foreign Buyer if it is different than the End User.
(b) From the Consignee, if it is different than the Foreign Buyer & End User.
(c) From any other intermediary, if there is any.
(iii) End User Certificates from Foreign Buyer, Consignee and End User must reflect the logical flow of items.
(iv) Each EUC must mention all the items given in the Purchase Order(s) and in the list of items to be exported as given in the application. Each EUC must mention the Purchase Order No. and date.
(v) EUCs submitted in parts and pieces will not be accepted. 1(one) original End Use-cum-End User Certificate only from each of the customers i.e., Foreign Buyer, Consignee and End User is to be filed.
7. Details of export items given in the online application (ANF 2E), End User Certificates and Purchase Orders must match completely.