Seema Jain Vs Joint Commissioner Central Goods And Service Tax Ludhiana (Punjab & Haryana High Court) FULL TEXT OF THE JUDGMENT/ORDER OF PUNJAB AND HARYANA HIGH COURT Prayer in this petition is for grant of anticipatory bail to the petitioner for offences under Section 132 (1) (b) & (c) punishable under Section 132 (1) (i) […]
Swati Menthol & Allied Chemicals Ltd. and Anr. Vs Commissioner GST & Central Excise (Punjab and Haryana High Court) We find that the notices in the present cases having been issued more than decade back and the proceedings having not been concluded within reasonable time, the same deserves to be quashed. The subject matter in […]
Bala Ji Manpower Services Vs. Union of India & others (High Court Of Punjab & Haryana) The only question that requires adjudication is at what rate petitioner is liable to pay interest i.e. 15% or 24%. Admittedly, the petitioner firm started its service after completing registration formalities in July, 2011 and the respondents have calculated […]
Mahakali Transport Vs State of Punjab (Punjab High Court) FULL TEXT OF THE JUDGMENT/ORDER OF PUNJAB AND HARYANA HIGH COURT The resolution is not clear as to how the interim release of the goods can be given as at the time of filing of the appeal, the petitioner has deposited the entire 100% of the […]
Mohit Bathla Vs Central Goods And Service Tax Division Panipat (Punjab & Haryana High Court) Learned senior counsel for the petitioner has reiterated the arguments that on an earlier occasion, when the record of the petitioner was verified on 14.10.2020, a specific note was made by the Assistant Commissioner, CGST, that e-Way bill and transport […]
In present facts of the case, it was observed by Hon’ble High Court that Section 132(6) of CGST Act, would be required only after the conclusion of the investigation and at the stage of presentation of charge-sheet/final report under Section 173 Cr.P.C.
Loyalty Solutions And Research Private Limited Vs Union Of India And Others (Punjab & Haryana High Court) The Designated Committee constituted under Amnesty Scheme vide impugned order dated 24.02.2020 (P-19) rejected declaration filed with respect to appeal pending before Tribunal on the ground that petitioner has filed single declaration with respect to four show cause […]
Skylark Infra Engineering Pvt. Ltd. Vs Additional Director General (Punjab & Haryana High Court) The object and intention of legislature to endow Commissioner with power of attachment under Section 83 is very clear. It is drastic and far-reaching power which must be used sparingly and only on substantive weighty grounds and reasons. The power should […]
Kaushal Kumar Mishra Vs. Additional Director General, Ludhiana Zonal Unit And Another (High Court Of Punjab And Haryana) High Court held that we are of the view that the investigations being conducted by competent Officers against the petitioner are not hit by provisions of Section 6(2)(b) of CGST Act, 2017. So, we see no reason […]
Genpact India Pvt. Ltd. Vs Union of India And Ors. (Punjab And Haryana High Court) The petitioner has straightway approached this Court, challenging the order dated 11.09.2020 of the Adjudicating Authority, vide which the refund claimed by the petitioner has been rejected. Having heard the counsel for the parties and on going through the pleadings […]