Madras HC sets aside rejection of Foreign Tax Credit claim by PCIT, directing reassessment considering Kenya income for AY 2019-20. No costs awarded.
Madras High Court directs consideration of GST appeal on merits despite it being filed beyond the limitation period due to accountant’s illness.
Madras High Court condoned the delay in filing of an appeal before concerned authority as delay occurred in searching relevant documents to disprove the allegation of business transaction undertaken with a non-existent entity.
Madras High Court held that reopening the closed matter without assigning specific or new reasons is contrary to law and in violation of the principles of natural justice. Thus, order impugned is liable to be quashed.
Madras High Court directed Commissioner of Income Tax to dispose of the appeal within a period of 4 months and stay granted by the Court is directed to be extended till the disposal of appeal filed by the petitioner.
Madras High Court held that Commissioner is duly empowered to designate proper officer for completion of assessment under Tamil Nadu Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 [TNGST Act].
Madras HC sets aside GST appellate order rejecting refund appeal by Kasturi & Sons Pvt. Ltd. due to procedural delay in hard copy submission.
Madras High Court held that GST is not leviable on Ocean Freight Services as per Supreme Court judgement and relevant notification. Thus, any amount collected by department as GST on Ocean Freight Services needs to be refunded back.
The court found that the delay was not intentional but resulted from the notices being uploaded online without hard copies being served. Considering these factors and the submission that the delay was due to bona fide reasons, the High Court decided to condone the delay.
Madras High Court held that City Union Bank Limited being a first charge holder can bring the property for sale and after settling down of all the dues, the remaining sale proceeds of the property can be transferred to second charge holder i.e. income tax department.