Seward Exports Pvt Ltd. Vs ACIT (ITAT Jaipur) t there are inconsistencies in the findings of the ld. CIT(A), where at first place, he has held that the Assessing Officer has not able to bring any example of specific disallowable expenses in case of loading and unloading expenses and under the similar facts pattern where […]
We also hold that the assessee is eligible for deduction U/s 54F of the Act in respect of residential house property purchased in the name of his wife.
Virender Kumar Vs ITO (ITAT Jaipur) It is noted that the assessee is in the diary business in the name and style of M/s Mohan Diary, Tijara and in pursuant to notice u/s 148, he has filed his return of income u/s 44AD declaring gross receipts from his diary business amounting to Rs 14,56,230/-. The […]
ITAT Jaipur ruling on undisclosed turnover. Assessing Officer’s order upheld, subject to examination of declared gross profit rate. Legal analysis here.
Where the business of assessee was discontinued and the premises had been taken over by the Bank as part of its recovery proceedings, the crisis being faced upon consequent action taken by Bank was the reasonable cause which prevented assessee from submitting the requisite information/documents on the notices issued by AO and for remaining non complied with the same.
Shri Praveen Kumar Vs ITO (ITAT Jaipur) As per facts of the present case, the assessee was student and studying for said period in Birla Institute of Technology as a regular student of M.Sc. Animation and Design and was tenant of Shri Abhishek Agarwal, who was into business of real estate in name and style […]
Prakash Pandharinath Bakre Vs PCIT (ITAT Jaipur) Benefit under section 54 is available to an individual who has transferred a long term capital asset being a ‘residential House Property’ and the assessee has either purchased one residential house in India within a period of one year before or two years after the date of transfer […]
Vishnu Prasad Vs DCIT (ITAT Jaipur) In the case of the assessee, (i) the identity of Shri Hanuman remains undisputed, as the summons issued by the AO was duly served upon him, (ii) genuineness of the transaction is also proved (from books of accounts) beyond doubt, as amount paid as advance to him, duly appeared […]
The Hon’ble ITAT, Jaipur in Modern Threads India Limited v. ACIT (Income Tax Appeal Nos. 198/JP/2019 and 199/JP/2019 decided on February 15, 2021) has held that payment of sales commission by the assessee to non-resident agents for the services rendered outside India will not fall in the category of the income received or deemed to […]
Sheela Yogi Vs ITO (ITAT Jaipur) Once the summons have been issued and these persons have appeared and given their statements before the AO wherein they have confirmed that they have advanced the amount to the assessee towards purchase of the agricultural land and has also disclosed the source of their earnings/savings, the assessee has […]