Delhi HC lays down guidelines for regulated smartphone use in schools, balancing safety with misuse prevention. Full details on principles for policy implementation.
Delhi High Court rules that Section 68 does not apply when shares are issued for goodwill without monetary consideration. No substantial question of law found.
Delhi HC orders release of Rolex watch, criticizes Customs for relying on standard waiver forms, citing lack of due process in detention.
Delhi High Court rules that government employees cannot change LTC destinations midway without prior approval, dismissing a review plea on procedural grounds.
Delhi High Court examines Nokia Network OY’s Permanent Establishment (PE) status in India, addressing taxation on software revenue, interest income & vendor financing.
Delhi High Court rules that GST law does not prohibit fresh registration after cancellation. Assessee granted liberty to reapply under the CGST Act.
Delhi High Court ruled that parallel GST proceedings cannot be initiated against DLF Home Developers Ltd, deferring to DGGI’s jurisdiction.
Delhi High Court sets aside GST demand on DLF Home Developers, ruling that the issue will be adjudicated by DGGI. Read details on the tax dispute here.
Delhi High Court examines the legality of Pranav Kuckreja’s arrest under Section 50 Cr.P.C., citing Supreme Court precedents. Read key findings and implications.
Delhi HC rules AO functus officio post-assessment, quashing reassessment notice against Vivo India for lack of due process and violation of natural justice.