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Calcutta High Court

Lump sum alimony is a capital receipt and therefore not taxable

March 11, 2016 6910 Views 0 comment Print

The Bombay High Court held that the monthly alimony amounted to taxable income in the hands of the assessee. However, the lump sum alimony was in the nature of capital receipt.

Revision based on wrong premise of CIT not sustainable

March 4, 2016 1048 Views 0 comment Print

Once it is clear that the assessee had correctly debited the profit and loss account for the loss arising out of the transfer of investment division, there remains no difficulty in realizing that the CIT proceeded on a wrong premise which was responsible for exercise of jurisdiction under Section 263 which he would not have done if he had realized the correct position.

Interest U/s. 244A on Excess self Assessment Tax Payment cannot be denied

February 2, 2016 2845 Views 0 comment Print

scope of section 154 does not extend to a debatable issue and hence the assessing officer in exercise of power u/s 154 could not have withdrawn the interest u/s 244A(1)(b) on the refund of excess self assessment tax.

Some procedural omission/ mistake will not make the whole proceedings invalid

October 20, 2015 697 Views 0 comment Print

Calcutta High Court held In the case of CIT vs. Shri Shyamal Sarkar that there is a presumption in law that all official and judicial acts were regularly performed. In this case, this presumption is supported by the fact that the assessee had paid the fees of the auditor.

S. 43B No disallowance for Electricity duty collected on behalf of state government but not paid: HC

October 18, 2015 1966 Views 0 comment Print

Calcutta High Court held In the case of CESC Ltd. vs. CIT that Section 43B of the Income Tax Act is attracted to a case where payment is to be made to the State Government in the capacity of the State as a sovereign and not to a case where payment is to be made to the State Government in its capacity

S. 194H Discount by telecom companies to distributors on recharge coupons is commission, liable for TDS: HC

October 18, 2015 4369 Views 0 comment Print

Calcutta High Court held In the case of Hutchison Telecom East Ltd. vs. CIT that the discount allowed to the distributors in respect of starter packs and recharge coupons for its prepaid services will be covered under commission or brokerage, liable to TDS u/s 194H.

Bad debts can be claimed in subsequent assessment years even if bad debts w/off in earlier years – HC

October 16, 2015 1099 Views 0 comment Print

Calcutta High Court held In the case of Duncan International Ltd. vs. CIT that Section 36 (2) (iii) allowed the assessee to claim the deduction on account of bad debts in subsequent years even if bad debts have written off in earlier years and which were not allowed.

Section 2(22)(e)- Deemed Dividend- Only Payment out of Accumulated Profit covered

October 16, 2015 1849 Views 0 comment Print

Calcutta High Court held In the case of CIT vs. Mahesh Chandra Mantri that It is apparent from the language of the Section 2(22) (e) that before any payment can take the character of dividend within the meaning of the aforesaid provision it has to be shown that there were accumulated profits lying

Income from business of letting of property taxable as Business Income

September 4, 2015 1553 Views 0 comment Print

Kolkatta High court held Shyam Burlap Company Ltd Vs CIT that as the assesse’s main business is purchasing, developing and letting out of property. The same was mentioned in the object clause of memorandum of the company.

ALP not to be computed if transaction is not with associated enterprise

August 26, 2015 1573 Views 0 comment Print

In the case of Price Waterhouse & Anr. Vs CIT, Calcutta High Court through an interim order opined that if there was no relevant material in the hands of the Income Tax authorities with which it has come to an incontrovertible conclusion that the writ petitioner no.1 was an ‘associated enterprise’

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