Income deemed to accrue or arise in India-Under section 9(1)(vi)-Income from supply of software to clients in India-Where assessee was engaged in sale of copyright software then income from such sale cannot be treated as royalty under section 9(1)(vi) particularly where assessee did not have any PE in India.
In our considered view, the AO was within his realm to invoke the provisions of s.40(a)(ia) of the Act on the premise that the assessee had failed to deduct tax at source while making the interest payments. The assessee’s stand that the payees have approached the AOs concerned for issuance of No TDS/lower TDS etc., authorization which they have failed to obtain etc., doesn’t hold water. Further contention of the assessee that TDS obligation was not was required, considering the computation of income shown in each case where F No.13 application was made to the AO concerned for authorization, in our considered view, to put it gently, the assessee had over-stepped in his perception which he was not obliged to do so under any provisions of I.T.Act.
We have heard both the parties. A forward contract is an agreement between a buyer and a seller obligating the seller to deliver a specified asset of specified quality and quantity to the buyer on a specified date at a specified place and the buyer in turn Is obligated to pay the seller a pre-negotiated price in exchange of the delivery. In the Instant case, the assessee is engaged in the business of manufacture and export of readymade garments. In respect of export of readymade ga
In CIT vs. Samsung Electronics 227 CTR 335 the Karnataka High Court has confined its decision to the issue of responsibility of the assessee u/s 195 in deducting tax at source before making remittances to non-residents. Even though the court held in favour of the Revenue on the application of the TDS provisions, the court made it clear in paragraph 78 that it has not examined the question of tax liability of the non-resident assessees in respect of the payments received from assesses in India.
Explore the International Taxation dispute of Dylan George Smith vs ITAT Bangalore. Analysis of salary income taxation on accrual basis. Legal insights.
Even on a close reading of the Circular makes it very clear that the term “advertising” has not been defined in the Act. During the course of the consideration of the Finance Bill, 1995, the Finance Minister clarified on the floor of the House that the amended provisions of tax deduction at source would apply when a client makes payment to an advertising agency
Does the purpose of a trust restrict spending the income of a profitable activity exclusively or primarily upon what is `charity’ in law? If the profits must necessarily feed a charitable purpose, under the terms of the trust, the mere fact that the activities of the trust yield profit will not alter the charitable character of trust
This is a very interesting ruling where the difference between the goodwill and the trade mark has been brought out clearly. The Tribunal has observed that the trademark can be transferred separately, either with or without the goodwill of the business whereas goodwill cannot be sold without the business itself and therefore transfer of trademark cannot be regarded as transfer of goodwill.
The Bangalore Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (the Tribunal) in recent case of Associated Electronic & Electrical Industries Pvt. Ltd. v. DCIT (2009-TIOL-263- ITAT-BANG) held that transfer of trade mark is not transfer of goodwill as the goodwill of a business cannot be sold without selling business itself. Thus, the trade mark and goodwill are two different assets. Further, since the capital gains on sale of trade mark came into effect from 1 April 2002 there was no capital gain on sale of trade mark for the year under consideration.
Here we summarised the ruling of the Bangalore Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) [2009-TIOL-666-ITAT-BANG] in the case of Bovis Lend Lease (India) Pvt. Ltd. (Taxpayer) on the taxability of payments towards reimbursement of cost forservices provided by a group entity. The ITAT held that such payments