Case Law Details
Case Name : Prasanna Trust Vs. DIT (Exemption) [ITAT Bangalore]
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All ITAT ITAT Bangalore
5. Considering the rival submissions and after going through the impugned order, we are of the view that appeal by the assessee is to be allowed. The assessee’s counsel produced the deed of declaration of trust dated 4.11.82 by Brahmachari Nitya Chaitanya in paper book page 1 to 9, deed of rectification dated 10.11.82 in paper book page No. 10 and 11, Supplementary Deed of Trust vide pages 12 to 29, further supplementary deed of trust
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My application has been rejected because the trust was inactive for last 3 years. What is the forum in which I can move an appeal. Do I have to approach the ITAT or is there anyother forum of appeal.