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Dear Reader,

During the period of last 8-9 Months, we came across several cases, where a General mass of people stand un-aware of their shareholding in the Company due to several reasons. After getting information that their holding/investment may be transferred to IEPF in dividend(s) were not claimed. They stand helpless regarding the procedure to claim the same as filing of Form on IEPF website it is little tricky from their point of view.

However soon Ministry may came with web-based claim Form which would be easier as compare to current situation.

After transfer of shares, now shareholder seeks the reason of transfer and wish to claim the same form the IEPF authority for which form is available on IEPF Website. Here is responsibility of the Company Secretary cum Nodal Officer of the Company to provide solution to the shareholders.

Hence we came with the detailed procedure to claim the shares and dividend from the IEPF authority and practical aspects of the same from the point of view of shareholder and the Company.


As you are aware, dividend declared by the Company is remitted either electronically to the designated bank account or by sending dividend warrant to the registered address of the shareholders.

As per Section 124(5) of the Companies Act, 2013, any dividend remaining unpaid/unclaimed for a period of 7 (seven) years is required to be transferred by the Company to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) established by the Central Government. The Company has regularly uploaded on its website and also on the website of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India, full details of such unpaid or unclaimed dividends before transferring to IEPF.


Further as per Section 124(6) read with Rule 6 of the Investor Protection and Education Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016, as amended from time to time, where the seven year period provided under section 124(5) of the Companies Act, 2013 has been completed or being completed during the period from 7th September, 2016 to 31st October, 2017, the due date for transfer of such shares to IEPF Account shall be deemed to be 31st October, 2017.

Therefore the provision of Transfer of shares to IEPF on the part of Company executed on or after 31.10.2017


Hence concerned shareholder/ claimant is required to claim the aforementioned shares and dividend amounts from the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority by following the below mentioned procedure:

1) Shareholder is required to Open a Demat Account with NSDL/ CDSL as shares will be released by the IEPF Authority in favor of claimants only in the Demat Account of the claimant. (ignore if already opened). 

2)  Download Form IEPF-5 from the website of IEPF (Direct Link of Form IEPF-5)

Read the instructions provided on the website/instruction kit along with the e-form carefully before filling the form. (For your reference and easy perusal, click on the link for the HELP KIT)

3)  Fill the required fields of the Form and submit the duly filled form by following the instructions given in the upload link on the website.

4)  On successful uploading of Form on MCA Portal, an acknowledgement will be generated indicating the SRN. Please note the SRN for future tracking of the form.

5)  Applicant has to send the attachments prescribed below to Nodal Officer (IEPF) of the Company at its registered office in an envelope marked “claim for refund from IEPF Authority” for initiating the verification for claim


a. Print out of duly filled claim form with claimant signature.

b. Copy of acknowledgement

c. Indemnity Bond(original) with claimant signature (As per format given in Annexure II-Refer page 9 of instruction kit) to be executed :

  •  On a non-judicial Stamp Paper of the value as prescribed under the Stamp Act (according to state) if the amount of the claim is Rs.10, 000 or more. Please ensure to enter date, place and Signature of claimant and witness. or
  •  On a plain paper if the amount claimed does not exceed Rs.10,000.
  •  In case of refund of shares, on a non-judicial Stamp Paper of the value as prescribed under the Stamp Act.

d. Advance Stamped receipt (original) with signature of claimant and two witnesses. (As per format given in Annexure I, Refer page 8 of instruction kit)

e) Self attested copy of PAN Card

f) Self attested copy of Aadhaar Card (For Indian Nationals)

g) Proof of entitlement (certificate of share/Interest warrant Application No. etc.)

h) Cancelled Cheque leaf

i) Copy of Passport, OCI and PIO card in case of foreigners and NRI

j)  Latest Client Master List

k) Transaction statement showing debit/transfer of shares to IEPF if shares were held in Demat Form`

l) Original Share Certificate

l) Letter from the RTA stating that claimant is entitle to  such number of shares and dividend. 

6)  In case of death of a shareholder, legal heir/claimant is also required to follow the procedure of transmission of shares by sending the following documents along with above documents: (Ref: Rule 7(4) of IEPF Rules, 2016)

(i) Require request letter for transmission of shares duly signed by all deponents and mention full address, Contact no, Email ID &  Also full Bank details such as Bank name, Branch address, SB A/C No. MICR No (9-digit code no.)

(ii)  Affidavit & Indemnity bond

(iii) Copy of death certificate duly attested

(iv) Legal heir certificate issued by competent authorities

(v) Original share certificate

(vi) Signature Verification Certificate

(vii)  No objection certificate (NOC) from all legal heirs who do not object to such transmission

(viii)  For value of securities more than Rs. 2,00,000 (Rupees Two lakh only) copy of probated will / succession certificate/letter of administration (Hindi/English version) duly

7) On receipt of documents, completed in all aspects will be verified by the the Nodal officer of the Company and on the basis of company’s verification report (Format given below), refund will be released by the IEPF Authority in favor of claimants’ Aadhaar linked bank account through electronic transfer and shares in the Demat Account of the claimant.

Practical aspects of procedure to claim shares and dividend from IEPF Authority:-

Step 1 :Shareholder/ Claimant will seek exact details of Dividend and shares from the Registrar/ Company

Step 2 : Registrar/ Company will provide details and procedure as mentioned above in reply to the letter and may issue Entitlement Letter

Step 3 : Shareholder needs to file the requisite from and follow the procedure (For any professional help ping us at the undermentioned contact details)

Step 4 :   After receipt of copy of filed form and required documents from the shareholder, RTA/ Company will prepare a verification report as per the latest format.

Step 5 :  Submit the verification report duly signed by the Nodal Officer of the Company to the IEPF authority through post within 15 days of receipt of the claim along with Excel sheets as enclosure with Eform IEPF-1 & 4 highlighting the details of the claimant for the claim duly attested by the nodal officer. ( i.e. attachment of IEPF-1/INV-1 & IEPF-4).

Step 6 :  IEPF will verify the details  and refund will be released by the IEPF Authority in favor of claimants’ Aadhaar linked bank account through electronic transfer and shares in the Demat Account of the claimant.

 As per Rule 7(4) of IEPF Rules, 2016

(a) After verification of the entitlement of the claimant- (a) to the amount claimed, the Authority and then Drawing and Disbursement Officer of the Authority shall present a bill to the Pay and Accounts Office for e- payment as per the guidelines.

(b) to the shares claimed, the Authority shall issue a refund sanction order with the approval of the Competent Authority and shall either credit the shares which are lying with depository participant in IEPF suspense account (name of the company) to the demat account of the claimant to the extent of the claimant’s entitlement or in case of the physical certificates, if any, cancel the duplicate certificate and transfer the shares in favour of the claimant.


The verification report is as per the latest format prescribed by the Authority. The revised proforma can be found at http://www.iepf.gov.in/IEPF/pdf/RevisedProforma_03052018.pdf

  • All the KYC documents of the applicant like PAN Card, Aadhar Card are self-attested. Documents of all the holders are required in case of joint holding.
  • Advance Receipt and Indemnity Bond are duly stamped and details of the witness are mentioned. Revenue stamp on the Advance receipt is duly affixed.
  • Proof of Entitlement (Original Certificate in case of matured deposits/debentures/bonds and Share certificate in case of shares) is attached.
  • Client-Master List of the applicant in case of shares is attached.
  • In case of claim related to shares, RTA letter confirming the amount and no of shares transferred to IEPF Authority is attached in case
  • Non-liability clause is mentioned properly in the Verification Report.
  • Excel Sheets/Challans wherever applicable are duly attested and attached with the dossier.

For Proof of Entitlement:

  • Dividend warrant or self-attested copy of share certificate in case of claiming Unpaid/Unclaimed Dividend.
  • Original share certificate & Letter from Registrar & Transfer Agent of company duly verified by Nodal Officer for share & any Unpaid/ Unclaimed Dividend transferred to IEPF. (in case share held in  Physical form).
  • Letter from Registrar & Transfer Agent, if share held in Demat form for share and Unpaid/ Unclaimed Dividend  transferred of IEPF, duly verified by Nodal Officer
  • Letter from Registrar & Transfer Agent is mandatory in every case of share & dividend, duly verified by Nodal Officer.
  • In case of transmission/legal heir/successor/nominee, the applicant shall ensure that the transmission process is completed before filing any claim as required under Rule 7(8) of IEPF Rules, 2016. Further, the company shall issue a letter of entitlement as per Rule 7(9) of IEPF Rules, 2016 in case the request for transfer/transmission is received after transfer of shares to IEPF Authority. 


(Application to the Authority for claiming unpaid amounts and shares out of Investor Education and Protection Fund)

Annexure I                              

Advance Receipt

Received from the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority the sum of Rs…………… and No. of Shares ……………… being the amount and shares payable to me from the Investor Education and Protection Fund as …………. (Dividend on Equity / Preference shares / matured deposits / matured debentures / application money due for refund / interest accrued on……………………./Dividend credited to IEPF under Companies Act, 1956 or Companies Act, 2013/ Dividend credited to General Revenue Account under Companies Act, 1956 / others, specify… )which was originally due from M/s……………………………………………………………………..(Name of the Company)

Signature of claimant with date

Affix Revenue Stamp

Signature of witness:

  1. Signature with date
  1. Signature with date

* Please ensure to affix Revenue Stamp with crossed Signature to avoid delay in processing of the claim

Strike off whichever is not applicable

(Application to the Authority for claiming unpaid amounts and shares out of Investor Education and Protection Fund)

 Annexure II                               

 Indemnity Bond 


The Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority


In consideration of the payment of Rs .……………. and No. of shares…………………. being the amount and shares due to me as …………………… (Dividend on Equity /Preference shares / matured deposits / matured debentures / application money due forrefund / interest accrued on……………………./Dividend credited to IEPF under Companies Act, 1956 or Companies Act, 2013/ Dividend credited to General Revenue Account under Companies Act, 1956 / others, specify………….)for the Financial Year……………………………….. from M/s ……………………………………….(Name of the Company) out of the Investor Education and  Protection Fund  by  the Authority,  I  …………………………….son  /daughter /wifeof………..…………………. do hereby agree and undertake to indemnify the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority to the extent of any claim not exceeding the amount hereinbefore mentioned which may be preferred against the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority, and which it has to lawfully discharge.




Signature of witness:

1. Signature with date

2. Signature with date



* For ensuring timely processing of the claim, please ensure to make all the entries

Strike off whichever is not applicable


Revised Proforma For Verification Report (03.05.2018) & (19.07.2018)

Please go through the revised guidelines dated 19.07.2018 Click Here for Notification

Please tick on appropriate box:

Original Claim                       Resubmitted Claim

– Name of Company:                                         ………. Limited

– Verification Report of claim made vide SRN No ……………… to IEPF Authority

  1. Name of the Applicant                          :
  2. Folio No/ DP ID/ Client ID                   :
  3. Amount claimed                                      :
  4. Type of security                                       :      Equity
  5. Period for which the claim relates    :
  6. Details of challans through amount was deposited, with verified copy of challans and year wise detail:-
Name of Claimant SRN of form IEPF-1/ INV-1 Challan Number Date Amount of Refund
Total Rs.
  1. Detail of share transferred with verified  copy of year wise details :-
Name of Claimant SRN of form IEPF-4 Date of transfer Number of shares to be refunded Type Of Shares


8. Whether claimant’s bank details tally

With the cancelled cheque leaf                :

9. Whether the claimants Demat account

Details tally with Company record             ………………………………………………….

10. Recommendation

If approved then:

(a) Proposed refund amount :

(b) Amount in Figures :

(c) Proposed number of share for refund :

If rejected, reason thereof :-

(a) Data Bank of company does not find the name of applicant as security holder

(b) Mismatch in Folio no./DP ID/ Client ID

(c) Signature mismatch

(d) Mismatch in nature of Security

(e) Any Litigation is pending (Give details)

(f) Incomplete documents (give Details)

(g) Duplicate claim made by applicant ( Give details of earlier claim allowed)

(h) Any other reason:

Note: Mismatch of amount claimed is not a reason of rejection.

Attachment with resubmitted cliam:

a) ……….
b) ……….
c) ……….

Non-Liability Clause

–  The Company shall be solely liable under all circumstances whatsoever to indemnify the IEPF Authority in case of any dispute or lawsuit that may be initiated due to any incongruity or inconsistency of disparity in the verification report or otherwise.

–  The IEPF Authority shall not be liable to indemnify the security holder of Company for any liability arising out of any discrepancy in verification report submitted etc., leading to any litigation or complaint arising thereof.

Name of Nodal Officer:

Signature :

Date :


Encl: Attachments as per notification dated 19.07.2018 


We encounter several cases where few details filled in Form IEPF-5 entered as wrong or in case we need to alter the details entered therein.

In such cases, MCA allows to rectify the defects by filing an additional Form on MCA portal.

The defects or incompleteness in any respect in this eForm as noticed shall be placed on the Ministry’s website (www.mca.gov.in).

In case the eForm is marked as RSUB or PUCL, please resubmit the eForm or file Form GNL-4(Addendum), respectively. Please track the status of your transaction at all times till it is finally disposed off. (Please refer Rule 10 of the Companies (Registration offices and Fees) Rules, 2014) It is compulsory to file Form GNL-4 (Addendum) electronically within the due date whenever the document is put under PUCL, failing which the system will treat the document as invalid and will not be taken on record in accordance with Rule 10(4) of the Companies (Registration offices and Fees) Rules, 2014

You may ping us on the below number for any help in filing of Form IEPF-5 for claim of shares/ dividend FREELY

For any query related to IEPF, you may comment here or reach us viaEmail: [email protected] or at 7838204665 (Call or What’s App).


Author Bio

CS Ravi Garg is a Fellow Member of Institute of Companies Secretaries of India having good experience in legal and secretarial matters. He is having 6+ years’ experience in handling Compliance management, handling projects and Investor Grievances related to Public Issues, IPO’s, ISIN Creation wi View Full Profile

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Transfer of Shares Through Gift – Income Tax and FEMA Regulations Stamp Duty on Transfer of Shares in Dematerialized Form Lockdown period not to be counted for Determining Residency Status of NRIs, Foreign Nationals: CBDT e-form 22A (ACTIVE) MCA Update 21.02.2019 Compulsory Dematerialisation of Securities of unlisted Public Company View More Published Posts

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    1. Ravi Garg says:

      Folio Number is first and primary information to establish ownership which you must aware. Alternatively, you may approach Registrar through request letter and KYC seeking more information for your holding.



  2. Venkataramana Chilamkurthy says:

    I have filed the IEPF-5 form successfully. Finally, I got an email that the claim has been APPROVED. Can you please tell me how long it will take to deposit stock in my DMAT account? Do I still need to follow-up with MCA or the Company Nodal Officer?

    1. Ravi Garg says:

      Mr Venkataramana,

      Hope your query might have been resolved by this time. Regret for delay response. For any other query related to IEPF Claim or otherwise, feel free to reach us via Email: [email protected] or at 7830007660 (What’s App)

  3. Ravi Garg says:

    Dear Stakeholder,

    Thanks a lot for the good feedback. Soon we shall come up with latest procedure and information related to Cliam of Shares and Dividend from IEPFA. Stay in touch.

  4. Kuldeep Kumar says:

    I held physical shares of Chambal Fertilisers jointly with my brother. After my brother died, we did not calim dividend and now shares have been transferred to IEPF. How do I transfer shares to my name and get the shares inde materialised form. iepf form 5 does not have any mention of documents requirement by surviving holder, but a general set of documents for other kegal heirs not appliacnle in case of surviving holder.
    Do I need to approach company registrar to tra sfer shares in .y name first and then file IEPF FORM 4?

    1. Ravi Garg says:

      Mr Kuldeep,

      In this case you need to comply with formalities for Name Deletion by approaching RTA/Company. Thereafter Etittlement Letter shall be issued and then you may process for IEPF-5 as per latest procedure.

      For any other query related to IEPF, feel free to reach us via Email: [email protected] or at 7838204665 (What’s App)

  5. Ravi Garg says:

    Dear Investors,

    During last approx 3.5 years, we aim to help investors freely for their clarical issues.

    Note that IEPF Authority strictly announces to avoid mediators who used to do fraud and miscommunicate about this service. There is a dedicated department for helping investors in Delhi. Similarly we are also inline with the same having having hand team over emails.
    For any query related to IEPF, feel free to reach us via Email: [email protected] or at 7838204665 (What’s App)

  6. PT says:

    thanks for your article, it is great help to many i am sure who are struggling like me to get our hard earned investments back. My mother has a DMAT and some holdings in it. Due to health reasons the said DMAT did not get operated for sometime due to which it seems much of her holdings went into IEPF. The claim process though might seem easy is not as easy. To begin with the form 5 seems complicated. Section 2 (Company / Bank from which the amount is due) does this have to be the name of the company whose share we held and went into IEPF or the DMAT company with which DMAT account was held. Where from do i get the CIN/BCIN numbers? I read somewhere that you can only make one claim in a year, is that really the case… does this mean if i had holding of company a, b, c, d of which my shares for A and B went into IEPF, I can only claim A shares in first year and B in second year? or can i just make one claim with A and B both and no other claim the same hear? What are the details expected in Section 4 of the form 5 (how am i supposed to know all these details) I also see that in the required document you have mentioned “In case of refund of matured deposit or debenture and, original certificate thereto” and “Proof of entitlement (certificate of share/Interest warrant Application No. etc.)” How can i get these as the shared were DMAT so there is no physical certificate for it. Can you please help.

    1. Ravi Garg says:

      Hi, Regret to delay response. Hope you have resolved your queries by this time. Still I wish to provide feedbcak & response as a helping hand for others.

      1. You need to connect with the concerned Company or their RTA for info regarding unclaimed Dividends to be filled in Form IEPF-5
      2. Separate Form shall be filed for cliam of Shares/dividend of different Companies in same FY.
      3. Update your KYC in your Demat Account to avoid transfer of shares/dividends in IEPF

      Still having queries, feel free to discuss over email or call at +91-7838204665

  7. Yash Kapoor says:

    It is great to see lot of queries resolved here. I wanted to know if there are any professional service firm which takes up succession case and including some shares which have been transferred to IEPF. I am helping my Aunty in retrieving the shares since she being a senior citizen cannot be burdened at this age. She had a bad experience with a broker who not only took advantage of the situation but charged exorbitantly for the shoddy work.
    Frankly, it so difficult to get help on such matter. Since the value is substantial, we are looking only seeking assistance who can handle such case. Kindly email me at [email protected]

  8. Preeti says:

    Hi there, how can I know how much dividend would we get?My father in law had puchsed few shares decade ago, which have been transferred to IEPF and I have no idea how to know about this dividend stuff. help please.


      you can get the email ID of the company from Google search.write to them giving full particulars. I did that and received reply.

    2. Ravi Garg says:

      Hi Ms Preeti,

      For information regarding dividend, kindly approach to concerned Registrar / Company. They will provide the year wise details.
      For any query related to IEPF, feel free to reach us via Email: [email protected] or at 7838204665 (Call or What’s App).

  9. Amar says:

    I need help with indemnity bond and advance receipt. I am applying for refund of equity shares. What I have to strike off and what to mention in both?
    (Dividend on Equity /Preference shares / matured deposits / matured debentures / application money due forrefund / interest accrued on……………………./Dividend credited to IEPF under Companies Act, 1956 or Companies Act, 2013/ Dividend credited to General Revenue Account under Companies Act, 1956 / others, specify………….)#

    And also what do I have to write at payment of Rs………?

  10. Suba says:

    Sir I have entered my PAN card details correctly but on PAN verification it shows “First Name is not as per PAN Database”. Because of this i could not proceed any further. Please tell me how to solve this !!!

  11. Tripti Agnihotri says:

    Dear sir
    My 210 shares of JSWsteel ltd.transferd to IEPF authority on 27 July 2018.
    Sir fully completed IEPF-5 with all required documents and submitted to JSW centre
    Bandra Kurla Complex,near MMRDA Ground,Bandra East – Mumbai 400051
    But unfortunately the above authority didn’t refund shares in my Demat account.please help me sir.following are the details-
    IEPF-5 file date-29-7-2019
    SRN- H79475778
    Demat account-IN30045011483527

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