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Income Tax : Discover key changes in the Income Tax Bill 2025, including enhanced rebates, simplified trust provisions, and extended registrati...
Income Tax : Section 194T mandates 10% TDS on partner payments exceeding ₹20,000 annually, effective April 1, 2025. Learn its impact, complia...
Income Tax : Understand income tax rules for business & profession in India. Covers business, profession, vocation, occupation, and deduction g...
Income Tax : In the realm of taxation, income is classified into various categories, with one of the most significant being Income from Busines...
Income Tax : The Indian taxation framework, as delineated by the Income Tax Act of 1961, may initially seem daunting. Nevertheless, acquiring a...
Income Tax : Corporate tax collections increased post-rate cuts. No specific tax incentives for MNCs, but new measures aim to support electroni...
Income Tax : The Income Tax Bill 2025 aims to simplify tax laws with no major policy changes. It enhances clarity, reduces ambiguities, and ali...
Income Tax : The Finance Bill 2025 projects a 12.65% rise in income tax collections despite tax cuts, with estimated receipts of ₹25.20 lakh ...
Income Tax : The Finance Bill 2025 revises tax slabs, reducing the burden on middle-class taxpayers. The changes aim to boost savings and consu...
Income Tax : Corporate tax revenue distribution follows Finance Commission guidelines, with states receiving 41% of shareable taxes. Incentives...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court sets aside DRP's order in FIS Payment case, directing a fresh review under ITAT rulings on Section 56(2)(viib). K...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi upholds CIT(A) ruling in Kissandhan Agri case, rejecting tax addition under Section 56(2)(viib). AO’s valuation metho...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai ruled in favor of Jamnagar Utilities, allowing CSR donations as deductions under Section 80G, rejecting the Revenue's ...
Income Tax : ITAT Pune ruled that Section 115BBE does not apply to business income declared in a survey. Read the case details and implications...
Income Tax : ITAT Kolkata partly allows Utpal Sarkar’s appeal against DCIT, addressing bogus sundry creditors and inter-unit transactions. Ca...
Income Tax : Finance Ministry specifies Power Finance Corporation Ltd.'s ten-year zero coupon bond with Rs. 49,546 discount, for Income-tax Act...
Income Tax : Learn about high-risk transaction case verification, assessment, and proceedings under Sections 148/148A on the Insight and ITBA p...
Income Tax : Learn about high-risk CRIU/VRU case verification, assessment, and proceedings under Sections 148/148A on the Insight and ITBA port...
Income Tax : Learn about suspected benami, undisclosed foreign assets, and TDS compliance cases assigned under Risk Management Strategy via the...
Income Tax : The IT Dept. has flagged high-risk non-filers for AY 2019-22 on the Insight Portal under RMS Cycle 5. Assessing Officers can revie...
The Protocol amending India-Australia Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) was signed, here today by Shri. S. S. Palanimanickam, Minister of State for Finance and Mr. Bill Shorten, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations & Minister for Financial Services and Superannuation, Government of Australia. The original India-Australia DTAA was signed way back in 1991.
In a startling revelation, official auditor CAG today said the government has a huge tax demand of Rs 1.96 lakh crore, of which 84 per cent cannot be realised due to various reasons like death, insolvency and liquidation of company. Out of Rs 1.96 lakh crore, the arrear demand reported by DIT ( Department of Income Tax) Recovery, a major portion, i.e, 84.3 per cent amounting to Rs 1.65 lakh crore was categorised as unrealisable demand by the Department, said the report tabled in Parliament.
CIT Vs.Nimbus Communications Limited (Bombay HC) – there is dispute that the assessee has in fact incurred the expenditure and that on account of the aborted public issue offer, no new asset has come into existence and consequently there is no question of the assessee getting any enduring benefit. With the approval of SEBI, the assessee was to increase the share capital and thereby promote its business activity. However, the same got aborted due to reasons beyond its control. In these circumstances, in view of the decision of this Court in the case of Commissioner of Income Tax V/s. M/s.Essar Oil Limited, Income Tax Appeal (L) No.921 of 2006 decided on 16th October 2008, in our opinion, no fault can be found with the decision of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal in allowing the aborted share issue expenditure under Section 37 of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Shri Suresh Kumar D. Shah v. DCIT (ITAT Hyderabad)- It is held that in a Joint Development Agreement if the Developer has performed or is willing to perform his part of the contract, then the transaction would qualify as a ‘transfer’ under section 2(47)(v) of the Income-tax Act, 1961. The fundamental feature which determines the taxability of capital gains is that the gain ought to be from the transfer of a capital asset. This section has a larger scope of operation as it states that the gain shall be deemed income of that previous year in which the transfer takes place. Accordingly, given the deeming provision, the income on account of capital gain should be charged to tax in the same previous year in which the transfer was effected or deemed to have taken place. The doctrine of ‘part performance’ is undoubtedly based upon the doctrine of equity. If one party has performed his part of duty then equity demands that the other party shall also perform his part of the obligation. Section 53A of the Transfer of Property Act requires the existence of following conditions:
Chattisgarh State Electricity Board Vs. ITO (TDS) – in a situation in which the payment in made for the use of an asset simpliciter, whether with control and possession in its legal sense or not, the payment could be said to be for the use of an asset. However, in a situation in which the payment is made only for the purpose a specific act, i.e. power transmission in this case, and even if an asset is used in the said process, the payment cannot be said to be for the use of an asset. When control of the asset (transmission lines in the present case) always remains with the PGCIL, any payment made to the PGCIL for transmission of power on the transmission lines and infrastructure owned controlled and in physical possession of PGCIL can be said to have been made for ‘the use of’ these transmission lines or other related infrastructure.
Kimplas Trenton Fittings Ltd Vs ACIT (Bombay HC) – In the present case, admittedly, the reopening of the assessment is beyond a period of four years of the end of the relevant Assessment Year. The jurisdictional condition under Section 147 in such a case is that there must be a failure on the part of the assessee to disclose fully and truly all material facts necessary for the assessment for that Assessment Year. As noted earlier, in the narration of facts, there was a disclosure by the assessee during the course of the assessment proceedings of the fact that (i) During the previous year ending 31 March 2004, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was entered into with a Swiss Company; (ii) Under the MOU, the outstanding balance of the loan was settled at Swiss Francs 480,000 as against the outstanding balance of 800,000 Swiss francs;
Maheshwari Agro Industries Vs. UOI (Rajasthan HC) – the income assessed by the Assessing Officer is almost 47 times of the income declared by the assessee viz. Rs. 1,44,42,320/- against the declared income of Rs.3,48,140/-. The disputed demand of tax also would be almost the same multiples of the declared and admitted tax liability or may be more because of interest and penalties.
CIT Vs. Sanjaykumar Mansukhlal Dhabba (Gujrat HC)- In the said case of Sanjay Oilcake Industries [Supra], the Division Bench of this Court upheld the view of the Tribunal limiting the additions to 25%, where it was found that the goods were received from the parties other than the persons who had issued the bills of such goods. Though the purchases were shown to have been made by making payment to some other parties, the Commissioner as well as the Tribunal both came to the conclusion that under such circumstances, the likelihood of the purchase price being inflated could not be ruled out.
Bhagwan Dass Bansal Vs ITO (ITAT Delhi)- In the case of Commissioner of Income-tax vs. Multiplan India (P) Ltd.; 38 ITD 320 (Del), the appeal filed by the revenue before the Tribunal, which was fixed for hearing. But on the date of hearing nobody represented the revenue/appellant nor any communication for adjournment was received. There was no communication or information as to why the revenue chose to remain absent on that date. The Tribunal on the basis of inherent powers, treated the appeal filed by the revenue as un-admitted in view of the provisions of Rule 19 of the Appellate Tribunal Rules, 1963.
Jalan Finvest Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata Vs. (ITO) (ITAT Kolkata)- In ground no. 3 raised by assessee it was mentioned that the revised computation at the time of assessment was not considered. However it is observed from the impugned order that the ld. CIT(A) has mentioned the grounds raised by assessee as well as written submissions filed by assessee. But he disposed of two grounds i.e. the first issue which relates to disallowance of service tax by allowing the ground of assessee and the second issue in respect of disallowance of office maintenance has been dismissed by observing that assessee has not pressed this ground and submitted a letter in this regard.