Goods and Services Tax India: Read all latest GST news, articles, notification, circulars, case laws news on, MVAT DVAT PVAT GST GSTN IGST CGST GST Council GST Rates SGST GST Forms GST Rules.
Goods and Services Tax : Understand whether GST registration is mandatory for service exporters in India. Analysis of CGST and IGST provisions on inter-sta...
Goods and Services Tax : New GST notifications for hotels/restaurants: 'Specified Premises' introduced, 'Declared Tariff' removed. Learn opt-in/out rules &...
Goods and Services Tax : Delhi High Court directs GST refund release, rejecting tax department’s delay. Case highlights refund disputes and legal hurdles...
Goods and Services Tax : जानिए जीएसटी अधिनियम 2017 की धारा 108 के तहत पुनरीक्षण...
Goods and Services Tax : Discover how to navigate risks of ITC double claiming in post-GSTR-2B era. Learn practical tips for GST compliance, identify commo...
Goods and Services Tax : Odisha Finance Department clarifies that GST does not apply to compensation for land and building acquisition, advising government...
Goods and Services Tax : GST on commercial coaching services, exemptions for educational institutions, and book tax status. Details on revenue and relief m...
Goods and Services Tax : Government considers GST reforms based on industry feedback. Recent changes include ITC time extension, tax waiver, appeal deposit...
Goods and Services Tax : Online gaming tax collection lacks specific tracking. Govt issued notices for ₹1.43 lakh crore. GST at 28% applies to real money...
Goods and Services Tax : Tamil Nadu trade associations have requested GST reductions on food, camphor, and services. No GST Council recommendation yet on m...
Goods and Services Tax : Mohit Enterprises Vs Commissioner of State GST And Vat Department of Trade And Taxes Delhi (Delhi High Court) Delhi High Court, in...
Goods and Services Tax : Allahabad High Court dismissed the writ petition and held that seizure of goods under section 129 of the IGST/ CGST Act can be don...
Goods and Services Tax : Bombay High Court held that registered person making a zero rated supply under LUT may claim refund of unutilized credit including...
Goods and Services Tax : Karnataka HC voids GST order clubbing multiple years. Section 73 of KGST Act mandates separate notices per financial year....
Goods and Services Tax : Allahabad High Court ruled that GST penalty under Section 129 is valid if goods are moved for job work without a properly filled d...
Goods and Services Tax : Detailed amendments to Notification No. 02/2017-Central Tax, revising territorial jurisdictions for Alwar, Chennai Outer, Jaipur, ...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC invites proposals from CGST zones to reorganize territorial jurisdictions, aiming for a comprehensive assessment. Deadline fo...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC newsletter notes Women's Day celebrations, post-budget interactions, and DRI's gold smuggling seizures in Bengaluru and Mumba...
Goods and Services Tax : A Group of Ministers (GoM) is set up to evaluate the feasibility of a special cess under GST for disaster relief and recommend a u...
Goods and Services Tax : The GST Council reconstitutes the GoM on Revenue Analysis with new terms of reference to assess revenue trends, compliance, and po...
Govt notifies creation of the State Benches of the Goods and Services Tax Appellate Tribunal (GSTAT) for Mizoram and Rajasthan and Area Benches at Two Area Benches at Bengaluru and One Area Bench at Jodhpur. MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 29th November, 2019 S.O. 4332(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred […]
This Article contains provisions in regard of Real Estate and Joint Development Agreement which are applicable from 01-04-2019. It is presumed that all constructions and agreements are effected after 01-04-2019 and there is no case of ongoing project. Index for this Article: A. Definitions B. Supply under Real Estate Business C. Valuation of Supply under […]
In re Ex-servicemen Resettlement Society (GST AAR West Bengal) Employer’s contribution to EPF, ESI etc. and payment of Bonus at the Government approved rate are, therefore, components of the Applicant’s expenditure. It is entitled to pass this liability to the recipient, who, in terms of the Agreement, is apparently ready to bear that liability. Such […]
The Applicant’s question is related to the components of the amount that the Licensor, as supplier of the service of leasing of immovable property, is charging on it. They are not related to the supplies the Applicant makes or intends to make. This Authority cannot, therefore, provide a decision to the Applicant in the form of an advance ruling.
Office Order No. 158/2019 The President of India is pleased to promote following officers of Indian Revenue Service (Customs & Central Excise) to the grade of Commissioner of Customs, CGST & Central Excise in the Pay scale of Rs. 37,400-67,000/ with Grade Pay of Rs. 10,000/- (pre-revised) for the panel years mentioned against their names w.e.f. the date of assumption of the charge of the post and until further orders:-
It is a fit case where the relief sought for by the petitioner can be granted to the extent of directing the authority to reopen assessment filed by the petitioner through letter, dated 2.5.2017 and deal with the acceptance of the documents, more particularly, ‘C’ form and ‘II’ form declarations and then pass orders in accordance with law, within a period of three months from the date of receipt of a copy of this order.
Continuing with this motive, the Indirect Taxes Committee of ICAI, has recently revised its Background Material on GST Acts and Rules- May 2018 Edition (Two Volumes: Vol-1 : Act & its analysis along with Rules, Vol-02: Notifications, Circulars & Orders).
Advisory for taxpayers for uploading multiple invoices/ credit/ debit notes as supporting documents with refund application (RFD-01) Tips for Scanning Documents and Reducing File Size for uploading supporting documents with the refund application Taxpayers are expected to upload the supporting documents while filing their refund application (Form GST RFD-01). The GST Common Portal allows taxpayers […]
Government has provided a window enabling the taxpayers to file the Form Tran-1 till 31.03.2019 and which is now extended till 31.12.2019. It should be noted that this facility is available only to the persons who have attempted to file the FORM GST TRAN-1 within the initial due date i.e., 27.12.2017 but could not file the same due to technical glitches in the portal and further has digital evidence to prove the same (category-1).
Offline tool can be used for taking actions in auto-populated details in the Form GST ANX-2 by the taxpayers. Taxpayer can also download Form GST ANX-2 JSON file from GST portal to view/ take action on the documents as part of downloaded JSON in the offline tool.