Read all latest corporate law news, articles, notifications & circular on News on laws related to DIPP Labour Minimum Wages Gratuity PF Arbitration Negotiable instrument Essential Commodities SRFAESI Competition Act Corporate Law
Corporate Law : The initiation of Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP) under Sections 7-10 of the IBC involves different creditors and p...
Corporate Law : Analysis of 1989 economic policy debate between Nani Palkhivala and Madhu Dandavate, examining globalization's impact on India's s...
Corporate Law : SC rules that directors cannot face Section 138 NI Act cases if the cause of action arises after insolvency proceedings begin unde...
Corporate Law : Understand the role of IP clauses in commercial contracts, covering ownership, licensing, and legal considerations to prevent disp...
Corporate Law : IBBI mandates detailed disclosure of carry-forward losses in insolvency cases, improving transparency for resolution applicants un...
Corporate Law : CAIT urges the government to block FDI-backed e-commerce firms from controlling inventory, citing threats to 8 crore Kirana MSMEs ...
Corporate Law : The government has no plans to revise the ₹5,000 tax limit for preventive health check-ups. AI-based health initiatives focus on...
Corporate Law : To combat online financial fraud, RBI has launched an AI-based tool, ‘MuleHunter,’ to identify money mules and has advised fin...
Corporate Law : Update on CCI's order regarding WhatsApp and Meta's data sharing. NCLAT's interim stay and government measures to prevent data mis...
Corporate Law : Overview of IBC 2016's impact, amendments, and government's stance on further changes, including flat registration in insolvency c...
Corporate Law : Competition Commission of India dismisses allegations of monopoly against Delhi airport operators, citing lack of prima facie evi...
Corporate Law : Supreme Court overturns High Court ruling, upholds e-auction sale under SARFAESI Act. Bank directed to return surplus funds to bor...
Corporate Law : SC quashes Punjab HC order dismissing plea under CrPC 482. Case remitted to Sessions Court for re-examination of deposit requireme...
Corporate Law : SC clarifies scope of Section 143A of NI Act, holding interim compensation as discretionary, not mandatory, in cheque bounce cases...
Corporate Law : Mere exchange of draft MoUs or discussions on WhatsApp does not amount to a binding contract, especially when a formal agreement r...
Corporate Law : FSSAI waives registration fees for Anganwadi (ICDS) Centers, introduces a new Kind of Business (KoB), and grants five-year registr...
Corporate Law : PFRDA has issued regulations for the Unified Pension Scheme under NPS, applicable to Central Government employees from April 1, 20...
Corporate Law : IRDAI reconstitutes its Insurance Advisory Committee, appointing five new members. The notification takes effect from its publicat...
Corporate Law : IBBI mandates detailed disclosure of carry forward losses in the Information Memorandum (IM) to enhance transparency in corporate ...
Corporate Law : FSSAI directs FBOs to update Form IX nominee details and enables auto-approval for Non-Form C modifications in FoSCoS from Februar...
The parties cannot be deprived of their rights to challenge the award on the ground that there is a delay of 2 years and four months and the Award as declared after such a long period, in our view, can be challenged under Section 34 of the Act. The party cannot be remedy-less. Even under Section 16, the objection even if decided, can be re-agitated under Section 34 of the Act. There is no such scheme for the delayed action of the Arbitrator. Considering the aforesaid aspects, in our view, the award is bad in law.
Trade Mark registration is quasi-judicial process and tends to be time consuming as it involves various steps, inter-alia, examination, publication and disposal of opposition. Sharp increase in the applications filed in the recent years and shortfall in manpower are the other reasons for delay.
The principle is that one who has made the decision having a judicial flavour should not participate in appeal arising from such a decision. In view of the aforesaid facts and circumstances and the principles of law I am of the opinion that the Commissioner has manifestly erred in law and acted against the settled principles of natural justice by deciding the appeal against his own order passed as an inferior authority.
This paper attempts to study the impact of non registration of firms i.e., partnership firms. The whole idea of the paper is that all others who are transacting with the firm must be aware of the constitution of the firm and thus the documents which are available with the registrar of companies are public documents and people dealing with the firm are said to have constructive notice of the details about the firm.
The Supreme Court dismissed the appeal of M/s DSR Steel Ltd against the order of the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity allowing revising of tariff for industries and others under an incentive scheme. The Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd of Jaipur, Jodhpur and Ajmer had applied for revision of tariff from the Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission. Objections of several industries and some hundred individuals were heard before allowing the revision. The industries argued that they had invested huge amounts on the promise of continuation of the incentive scheme prevailing then. The commission rejected the arguments and allowed revision of the tariff. The industries took the issue to the appellate tribunal in New Delhi, which rejected their arguments. Now the Supreme Court has also dismissed the appeal, stating that issues decided by the commission and the tribunal should not be reopened unless there is a substantial question of law involved.
Due date for payment of Provident Fund contributions is 15 days from the end of month in which wages are paid (plus grace period of 5 days). Thus, if wages pertaining to April’ 2012 is paid on, say, 7th May’ 2012, due date for payment of Provident Fund contribution is 20th June’ 2012 [i.e. 15th June’ 2012 as increased by grace period of 5 days].
In the counter affidavit filed by the respondent No.2/SOL, it is stated that the student is not entitled to any relief in the present petition for the reason that as per the rules of the respondent No.2/SOL contained in the prospectus, only a bonafide student of a college is entitled to migration to SOL and admittedly, the student had paid her regular fee with I.P. College upto April, 2011 and not thereafter and resultantly, on the date when she had sought migration, she was not a bonafide student enrolled with any college and, therefore, she could not be considered for purposes of migration to the respondent No.2/SOL. In support of the aforesaid averments, a copy of the prospectus of SOL for the academic year 2011-12 with regard to migration/direct admission is enclosed with the counter affidavit as Annexure R-1.
After investigation, chargesheet has been filed against the petitioner and others under Sections 177, 181, 182 and 195 IPC. The petitioner has suppressed the material fact and has not disclosed anywhere in this petition that he had approached the High Court under Section 482 Cr.P.C. for quashing of the chargesheet, which stood rejected vide order dated 3.2.2010 and the said order attained finality as has not been challenged any further.
In accordance with amended para 69 (under para 83 of Employees’ Provident Fund Scheme, 1952), an International Worker is allowed to withdraw the full amount standing to his credit in the fund: • on retirement from service in the establishment at any time after attaining the age of 58 years;
The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 does not contain any provision for discrimination between men and women workers. All the provisions of the Act equally apply to both men and women workers. In other words, female workers working in any scheduled employment including agriculture sector are entitled for same wages as fixed by the appropriate Governments for their male counterparts.