In re Tata Coffee Limited (GST AAAR Karnataka) Wooden supply to Government Auction Department is supply as agent In this case the Depots are set up by the State Government in terms of Section 104-A(5) of the Karnataka Forest Act for the purchase and sale of timber since the Act mandates that timber can only […]
In re Sadguru Seva Paridhan Pvt. Ltd (GST AAR West Bangal) The product manufactured by the appellant is fusible interlining cloth. Before 1989, the item used to be classified under Chapters 52 to 55, as clarified under Circular No. 5/89 dated 15/06/1989. In the Union Budget of 1989-90, a new chapter note 2(c) was introduced […]
In re Magnam Netlink Private Limited (GST AAR Gujarat) Agricultural Produce shall not include further processed produce other than such processing is done by a cultivator or producer which does not alter its essential characteristics. Therefore the milk on which processes have been carried out by other than a cultivator or a producer shall not […]
IRDAI had issued the Corporate Governance Guidelines for Insurance Companies in India in the year 2016. The participation of the Authority in peer review process of IAIS on ICPs more particularly on ICP 5 – Suitability of Person, ICP 7 – Corporate Governance and ICP 8 – Risk Management and Internal Controls indicated that there is need to further strengthen the Guidelines.
Annual quota of Urad for the year 2020-21 is 4 Lakh MT and will be effective from 1st May, 2020 to 31st March, 2021. Copy of the said Notifications is attached herewith for ready reference.
CBDT has released the synthesised text for India-Australia tax treaty. It represents their shared understanding of the modifications made to the Agreement by MLI. AUSTRALIA SYNTHESISED TEXT OF THE MULTILATERAL CONVENTION TO IMPLEMENT TAXT REATY RELATED MEASURES TO PREVENT BASE EROSION AND PROFIT SHIFTING (MLI) AND THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF […]
CBDT has released the synthesised text for India-Austria tax treaty. It represents their shared understanding of the modifications made to the Agreement by MLI. AUSTRIA SYNTHESISED TEXT OF THE MULTILATERAL CONVENTION TO IMPLEMENT TAX TREATY RELATED MEASURES TO PREVENT BASE EROSION AND PROFIT SHIFTING (MLI) AND THE CONVENTION BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF […]
Office of Commissioner of Profession Tax. Maharashtra State. 8th Floor. GST Bhavan, Mazgaon, Mumbai – 400010. TRADE CIRCULAR No: ACST/VAT-3/PT/Late-fee-waiver/_/2020/B-196, Mumbai. Dt: 19/03/2020 Trade Circular No. 04T of 2020 Sub: Exemption from payment of Late Fees u/s 6(3) of the Maharashtra State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Act 1975 Ref: I. Notification No. No […]
CBDT has released the synthesised text for India-Georgia tax treaty. It represents their shared understanding of the modifications made to the Agreement by MLI. SYNTHESISED TEXT OF THE MULTILATERAL CONVENTION TO IMPLEMENT TAX TREATY RELATED MEASURES TO PREVENT BASE EROSION AND PROFIT SHIFTING (MLI) AND THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDIA […]
CBDT has released the synthesised text for India-Malta tax treaty. It represents their shared understanding of the modifications made to the Agreement by MLI. SYNTHESISED TEXT OF THE MULTILATERAL CONVENTION TO IMPLEMENT TAX TREATY RELATED MEASURES TO PREVENT BASE EROSION AND PROFIT SHIFTING (MLI) AND THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDIA […]