February 05, 2021
All Depositories
Dear Sir / Madam,
Subject: Master Circular for Depositories
1. Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), from time to time, has been issuing various circulars/directions to Depositories. In order to enable the users to have access to all the applicable circulars/directions at one place, Master Circular for Depositories has been prepared.
2. This Master Circular is a compilation of the relevant circulars/communications pertaining to Depositories issued by SEBI up to October 31, 2020 and shall come into force from the date of its issue. References in the Master Circular to the Statutes/Regulations which now stand repealed, have been suitably updated.
3. In case of any inconsistency between the Master Circular and the applicable circulars, the content of the applicable/ relevant circular shall prevail.
4. The Master Circular consists of four sections i.e. Beneficial Owner (BO) Accounts, Depository Participants (DP) Related, Issuer related and Depositories Related. Efforts have been made to include provisions of circulars/ communications relevant to each sections. However, cross referencing of circulars/ communications amongst the sections may exist. Users may refer other sections also for compliance to provisions applicable to them.
5. This Master Circular shall supersede previous Master Circular SEBI/HO/MRD/DP/CIR/P/118 dated October 25, 2019 and is available on SEBI website at
Yours faithfully
Rishi Barua
Deputy General Manager