Securities and Exchange Board of India
January 29, 2021
All Mutual Funds (MFs)/
Asset Management Companies (AMCs)/
Trustee Companies/ Board of Trustees of Mutual Funds/
Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI)
Sir / Madam,
Sub: Revision of Monthly Cumulative Report (MCR)
1. Please refer to SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/IMD/DF3/CIR/P/2019/020 dated January 22, 2019 prescribing the format for reporting of Monthly Cumulative Report (MCR).
2. Pursuant to introduction of a new scheme category and to bring transparency in reporting of segregated portfolios, it has been decided to modify MCR format from January 2021 onwards. The revised format of MCR is enclosed as Annexure A.
3. All other conditions specified in the above mentioned circular shall remain unchanged.
4. This circular is issued in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 11 (1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, read with Regulation 77 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996 to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market.
Bithin Mahanta
General Manager
Tel no.: 022-26449634
Annexure A
Name of the Mutual Fund: |
MCR for the month of __ (Month), 20XX |
Sr. No. |
Scheme Category |
No. of schemes as on____ |
No. of Foli os as on____ |
Funds mobi-lized for the period (Since April 01, 20XX to____)INR in
Net Inflow(+ve)/ Outflow (- ve) for theperiod (Since April 01, 20XX to __) INR in
Net Assets Under Manage- ment as on ____INR in
Average Net
No. of
Net Assets
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
(9) |
(10) |
(11) |
A |
Open ended Schemes |
I |
Income/ Debt Oriented Schemes |
i. |
Overnight Fund |
ii. |
Liquid Fund |
iii. |
Ultra Short Duration Fund |
iv. |
Low Duration Fund |
v. |
Money Market Fund |
vi. |
Short Duration Fund |
vii. |
Medium Duration Fund |
viii. |
Medium to Long Duration Fund |
ix. |
Long Duration Fund |
x. |
Dynamic Bond Fund |
xi. |
Corporate Bond Fund |
xii. |
Credit Risk Fund |
xiii. |
Banking and PSU Fund |
xiv. |
Gilt Fund |
xv. |
Gilt Fund with 10 year constant duration Fund |
xvi. |
Floater Fund |
Sub total – I |
II |
Growth / Equity Oriented Schemes |
i. |
Multi Cap Fund |
ii. |
Large Cap Fund |
iii. |
Large & Mid Cap Fund |
iv. |
Mid Cap Fund |
v. |
Small Cap Fund |
vi. |
Dividend Yield Fund |
vii. |
Value Fund / Contra Fund |
viii. |
Focused Fund |
ix. |
Sectoral/ Thematic Funds |
x. |
xi. |
Flexi Cap Fund |
Sub total – II |
Hybrid Schemes |
i. |
Conservative Hybrid Fund |
ii. |
Balanced Hybrid Fund/ Aggressive Hybrid Fund |
iii. |
Dynamic Asset Allocation / Balanced Advantage Fund |
iv. |
Multi Asset Allocation Fund |
v. |
Arbitrage Fund |
vi. |
Equity Savings Fund |
Sub total – III |
IV |
Solution Oriented
i. |
Retirement Fund |
ii. |
Childrens’ Fund |
Sub total – IV |
V |
Other Schemes |
i. |
Index Funds |
ii. |
Gold ETFs |
iii. |
Other ETFs |
iv. |
Fund of funds investing overseas |
Sub total – V |
Total A-Open ended Schemes |
B |
Close Ended Schemes |
I |
Income/Debt Oriented Schemes |
i. |
Fixed Term Plan |
ii. |
Capital Protection Oriented Schemes |
iii. |
Infras-tructure Debt Fund |
iv. |
Other Debt Scheme |
Sub total – I |
II |
Growth / Equity Oriented Schemes |
i. |
ii. |
Other Equity Schemes |
Sub total – II |
Other Schemes |
Total B -Close ended Schemes |
C |
Interval Schemes |
I |
Income / Debt Oriented Schemes |
II |
Growth / Equity Oriented Schemes |
Other Schemes |
Total C -Interval Schemes |
Grand Total |
Fund of Funds Scheme (Domestic) |
1. In column number (3), number of schemes shall include series / serial plans
2. In column number (3), segregated portfolios created in a scheme shall not be treated as a separate scheme.
3. In column number (4), number of folios shall not include folios of segregated portfolios
4. In column number (8) and (9), AUM of segregated portfolios shall be included
5. In column number (9), AAUM is the average of the daily AUM of the Mutual Fund for the month.
6. In column number (10), number of segregated portfolios created in a scheme can be more than one
7. Inter scheme investments are excluded from the above data