“High Level Expert Committee on Corporate Bonds and Securitization” (“Dr. R.H. Patil Committee”) had recommended creation of “Centralized Database of information regarding Bonds”. While the information in respect of various bonds/debentures issued by issuers is available in a fragmented manner, it is felt that there is a need for having a comprehensive database on corporate bonds at a single place.
Considering the above, SEBI has issued a circular on “Centralized Database for Corporate Bonds/Debentures” on October 22, 2013. SEBI has mandated both the depositories viz. NSDL and CDSL to jointly create, host, maintain and disseminate the centralized database of corporate bonds/debentures. The depositories shall obtain requisite information regarding the bonds/debentures from Issuers, Stock Exchanges, Credit Rating Agencies and Debenture Trustees. The Database can be accessed by the public or any other users without paying any kind fees or charges.
Download SEBI Circular No. CIR/IMD/DF/17/2013, Dated- October 22, 2013