Section 144C of the Income-tax Act, 1961 – Dispute Resolution Panel – Reference to – corrigendum to Order No. 6/FT&TR/2012, dated 10-7-2012 and Order No. 7/FT&TR/2012, dated 31-7-2012 constituting DRPs and alternate DRP at various places
Order [ 500/15/2011-ft&tr-i], dated 28-8-2012
With reference to CBDT Order No. 6/FT&TR/2012, dated 10-7-2012 and Order. No. 7/FT&TR/2012, dated 31-7-2012, constituting Dispute Resolution Panels and alternate Dispute Resolution Panels at various place, following corrigendum is made:
Corrigendum 1: | In para 1 of these orders, the phrase “supervising officer of the TPO at the time of transfer pricing audit” maybe read as “supervising officer of the TPO at the time of Issuance of transfer pricing order.” |
Corrigendum 2: | Following sub-para may be read as part of para 1 of these orders: |
“However, if the taxpayer, who falls in the area of jurisdiction under column 2 of the Table above files no objection to their case being heard and considered by the DRP under corresponding column 3 of the said Table, the DRP shall comprise of the members specified in the corresponding column 3 of the said Table.”