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Archive: 30 March 2011

Posts in 30 March 2011

Mumbai Tribunal holds that segmental accounts should be considered for the computation of the Profit Level Indicator

March 30, 2011 8802 Views 0 comment Print

The Mumbai bench of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (Tribunal) recently pronounced its ruling in the case of M/s Tecnimount ICB Pvt. Ltd. Vs ACIT, Mumbai, ITA No. 7098/Mum/2010, on transfer pricing issues arising from equipment supplied and technical services rendered by the Taxpayer to its Associated enterprises (AEs). The Tribunal ruled in favour of the Taxpayer stating that segmental accounts should be considered for the calculation of the Profit Level Indicator (PLI).

CBDT Order No 53 of 2011- Ad hoc promotion from DCIT to JCIT

March 30, 2011 1552 Views 0 comment Print

ORDER NO. 53 OF 2011- The President is pleased to appoint the following officers of Indian Revenue Service (Income Tax) to the grade of Joint Commissioner of Income Tax (OSD) purely on ad hoc basis in the PB 3-Rs. 15,600-39,100 +7,600/- with immediate effect and until further orders. 2. The promotions are intended to be purely of ad hoc nature and subject to the following conditions: (i) Such appointment shall not confer any right to the officers for continued officiation or seniority or for regular promotion and shall be governed by the instruction of DOP&T as contained in G.M. dated 30.03.1988 and instruction issued by Government from time to time,

Orissa VAT rate change in items taxable at 12.50 percent

March 30, 2011 16041 Views 0 comment Print

Effective 01 April, 2011, the rate of VAT in Orissa has been enhanced, as mentioned below: Goods falling under Part III of Schedule B and liable to tax at 12.5% will be taxable at 13.50 % from 01.04.2011. Source: Notification No. 12390-CTA-7/2011-F, dated 26 March, 2011

Expert Committee on Revenue Forecasting – Request for suggestions

March 30, 2011 2145 Views 0 comment Print

Vision 2020 and Strategic Plan 2011-15 of the Income Tax Department lays emphasis on revenue optimization efforts of the Department, for which a scientifically developed revenue forecasting model is required to ascertain the potential tax base of the country. To develop a customized revenue forecasting model for the Direct Taxes, an Expert Committee has been constituted. OM dated 25-03-2011 has been issued on the subject.

EPFO decides to give monthly updates of contributions instead of annual statement

March 30, 2011 3087 Views 0 comment Print

Faced with high defaults in provident fund contributions by employers, the Employees Provident Fund Organisation , or EPFO, has decided to give monthly updates of contributions instead of an annual statement. The EPFO expects this will bring instances of defaults by employers to the notice of workers, who, in turn, will put pressure to demand their dues.

Despite delay in award, land acquisition did not lapse according to the provisions of the Railways Act- SC

March 30, 2011 2850 Views 0 comment Print

The Supreme Court allowed the appeal of Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India and upheld the acquisition of land in Etawa, Uttar Pradesh for a project. The complaint of the land losers was that the award of compensation for the acquisition was not given within the prescribed one year from the declaration. The Supreme Court ruled that though there was delay in the award, the acquisition itself did not lapse according to the provisions of the Railways Act. However, the court further said that the delay will entitle the land losers to get additional compensation at a rate not less than 5 per cent of the value of the award for each month of delay.

Amendment/modification of SION Nos. H-18 and H-51

March 30, 2011 658 Views 0 comment Print

In SION No. H-18 of Plastic Product Group (Product Code H) (i) Description of Export Product is expanded by addition of “Or without plastic cases” and (ii) a “Note” is inserted below the SION. The amended description of Export Product would read as under: All Plastic (PVC) Playing Cards (Packed in relevant plastic cases or without plastic cases)

Amendments in the Handbook of Procedures, Volume 1 (Appendices and Aayat Niryat Forms), 2009-14

March 30, 2011 1511 Views 0 comment Print

Aayat Niryat Form 2E (ANF 2E) as given in Annexure to this Public Notice, shall replace the existing ANF 2E in the Handbook of Procedures, Volume 1 (Appendices and Aayat Niryat Forms), 2009-14. 2. This amendment shall be applicable w.e.f. 1.4.2011. All applications for permission for export of SCOMET items filed from 1.4.11 onwards must be filed in the new ANF 2E.

Service tax on rail freight deferred by 3 months – Fourth Such Defferment

March 30, 2011 747 Views 0 comment Print

Under pressure from Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee and concerned over rising inflation, the government has once again deferred a decision on levying service tax on transport of goods by rail to July 1. This is the fourth time that the government is postponing a decision on service tax on rail freight which was to be implemented from April 1, 2010.

Revised Schedule VI to Companies Act,1956 applicable from 1 April 2011

March 30, 2011 6164 Views 0 comment Print

The notification shall come into force for the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account to be prepared for the financial year commencing on or after 1.4.2011.

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