Trade Notice No. 17/2016 This Directorate has received various queries for clarification on the Notification No. 38 dated 5th February, 2016 regarding MIP on Iron and Steel under Chapter 72 of ITC (HS) 2012. The following queries raised are clarified point-wise as under:-
Trade Notice No. 16/2015 A number of representations have been received in this Directorate from Trade, Industry and Export Promotion Council for EOU and SEZ on the pending requests for allowing closure/ redemption/EODC in cases where the Advance Authorisation holder had made supplies to SEZ units and realised the proceeds in Indian Rupees as per the extant provisions laid down in Para 4.1.6(a) of FTP 2009-14.
Trade Notice No. 15/2015- To reduce the number of mandatory documents required for exports and imports, DGFT had issued Notification No 114 dated 12th March 2015 specifying that only three documents each would be mandatory for exports and imports.
Trade Notice No. 14/2015 In continuation of Trade Notice No. 12/2015 dated 13.01.2016, stressing the need to maintain absolute integrity and transparency in the functioning of all DGFT offices, attention is drawn to the fact that DGFT is moving towards an IT enabled paperless and personal contact free environment to achieve these objectives in a more comprehensive and complete manner.
Trade Notice No.13/2015-20 all those exporters of services who do not possess IEC are urged to voluntarily obtain IEC from Regional Authorities of (RAs) of DGFT. All trade and industry chambers are requested to impress upon their members (exporters of services) to voluntarily obtain IEC and use it while effecting export /import of services so that trade statistics relating to export/import of services can be captured effectively.
Trade Notice No. 12/2015 By way of this Trade Notice, this information is shared with the entire Exporter/Importer community to elicit their cooperation in fulfilling the above objective. The entire Exporter/Importer community is requested to act in unison and not cooperate with any such improper activity and immediately bring it to the knowledge of senior officers including DGFT and the Vigilance apparatus. Relevant telephone nos, emails are given below. Trade Community is also requested to not encourage middlemen and touts who accentuate this problem and report them to the department so that they can be made persona non grata in the DGFT offices.
DGFT has received representations from exporters requesting for providing benefits under focus Product Scheme of Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14 on the export of industrial valves under item at Sl No. 269 of Appendix 37-D, Table-I of Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14 notified vide public notice no.52 dated 25.02.2014 or under any other any other SI. No. in the earlier public notices having same description and even to those items which are not used in bicycles.
Clarification has been sought in respect of eligibility of benefit under Focus Product Scheme of FTP( 2009-1 4) to the Indian Kabuli Chickpeas under the item description, “EDIBLE VEGETABLES (EXCLUDING ONIONS) ALL ITEMS COVERED UNDER CHAPTER 07 (EXCEPT ONION COVERD UNDER CODES 0703 AND 0712)”. This item appeared at Sr. No. 248 of Appendix 37D, notified vide Public Notice No. 80(RE2010)/2009-14 dated 13.10.2011 and at Sr. No. 488 of FPS Table.
It is brought to the notice of Trade and Industry that the Interest Equalisation Scheme for Pre and Post Shipment Rupee Export Credit has been announced by the Government of India and notified vide RBI Circular No. DBR/Dir/BC. No. 62/04 02.001/2015-16 dated December 4 2015. The scheme is applicable w.e.f. 1st April, 2015. Details of the scheme are available on the website of RBI
Trade Notice 08/2015- Trade Notice 08/2015 Under the Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14, DGFT vide Public Notice No. 53 dated 27.2.2014 allowed for grant of additional Duty Credit Scrips @ 2% to certain specified products under the Market Linked Focus Product Scheme (MLFPS) for exports made w.e.f. 1.3.2014 to 31.8.2014 if exported to the EU (27 countries). This 2% duty credit scrips was in addition to the benefits of 2% under Focus Product Scheme (FPS).