This Office has received a request from Chemical and Allied Export Promotion Council of India (CAPEXIL) for permission to issue online RCMCs along with the online format of RCMC (copy enclosed), slightly tweaked to adopt to the digital set up.
After issuance of the Public Notice No. 63 dated 27.03.2017, a number of representations have been received seeking clarification on this Public Notice. Accordingly, the followings are clarified:
Consequent upon hiring of new space for the office premises of Service Tax, Delhi Zone i.e. (i) Commissioner of Service Tax, Delhi-I,(ii) Commissioner of Service Tax, Delhi-II, (iii) Commissioner of Service Tax, Delhi-Ill, (iv) Commissioner of Service Tax, Audit-I,
To remove apprehensions among the officers as well as Trade and industry in relation to the introduction of GST levy and to create positive atmosphere and approach and to inform the Trade for better understanding of GST, a GST cell has been formed in Central Excise, Pune-IV Commissionerate.
The issue has arisen whether EPCG authorizations can be issued to a person who does job work for the exporter of goods, as a CSP under para 5.02 read with para 1.35 of Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-20.
The Policy Circular No. 16 (RE-2012/2009-14) dated 15.3.2013 also while specifying the categories where ab-initio exemption is there, specified that no refund of TED should be provided by RAs of DGFT/Office of Development Commissioners, because such supplies are ab-initio exempted from payment of excise duty.
In pursuance of the Trade Notice No.4 dated 05.05.2016, changes in entitlement in the online system for the IEIS Quarterly cases has been incorporated and list of such cases where Supplementary Scrip is to be issued is made available in the Online Application Menu of the Quarterly IBIS Scheme.
Applications for grant of Special Advance Authorisation Scheme for export of Articles of Apparel and Clothing Accessories can be tiled online through DGFT website: Procedure for filing application online for this authorisation is similar to filing of application for the regular Advance Authorisation.
Para 9.08 of HBP, 2015-2020 provides for a grievance committee at the level of DGFT, HQ and at the Zonal RAs for speedy redressal of grievances of trade and industry pertaining to the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) and the related procedure.
It is, hereby, clarified that grapes packed in imported packing material do not fall under ineligible category mentioned under para 3.17.2(ii) of FTP and, therefore, exporter is entitled for VKGUY benefit on FOB value i.e. without deducting the cost of imported packing material.