Dated:- 24.03.2017
TRADE NOTICE NO. 01/2016-17
Subject :- Shifting of office premises of various formation of Service Tax, Delhi Zone – reg.
Consequent upon hiring of new space for the office premises of Service Tax, Delhi Zone i.e.
(i) Commissioner of Service Tax, Delhi-I,
(ii) Commissioner of Service Tax, Delhi-II,
(iii) Commissioner of Service Tax, Delhi-Ill,
(iv) Commissioner of Service Tax, Audit-I,
(v) Commissioner of Service Tax, Appeal-I,
(vi) Commissioner of Service Tax, Appeal-11 and
(vii) Chief Commissioner of Service Tax, Delhi Zone
the new address of the above mentioned offices w.e.f. 31.03.2017 shall be as under :
New address
EIL ANNEXE Building,
Plot No 2B, Bhikaji Cama Place,
New Delhi-110066
All Trade Associations/Chamber of Commerce & industry are requested to give wide publicity to the contents of this Trade Notice amongst all their members.
(G.S. Karki)
Additional Commissioner CCO)
Copy to :
1. The Trade Associations (As per mailing list).
2. Chairman, CBEC, North Block, New Delhi.
3. Director Genera!, Directorate General of Taxpayers Services, CR Building. IP Estate. New Delhi.
4. Chief Commissioner of Central Excise (Delhi Zone)
5. Principal Commissioner/Commissioner of Service Tax Delhi 1/11/111/IV, Audit-I/Audit-II, Appeal-1/Appeal-II
6. Webmaster, CBEC with a request to upload it on the CBEC website.
7. Notice Board I Guard File.