Finance : Explore how perpetuity underpins stock valuation and enterprise value through cash flow models and discounting techniques....
Income Tax : Review gold and silver rates for the current year, the past 10 years, and historical rates from 1981 and 2001, important for finan...
Finance : Explore the valuation requirements across different laws in India, including the Companies Act, IBC, SEBI, RBI, and Income Tax Act...
Corporate Law : Delve into the intricacies of valuation in corporate decisions, exploring regulatory demands, multiple valuation reports, and fort...
Income Tax : Explore intricate relationship between income tax and customs valuation. Learn how these realms intersect, challenges they pose, a...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore the newly released Exposure Draft by ICMAI on Inventory Valuation under the Income Tax Act. Provide your feedback before t...
Corporate Law : Valuation is the most fundamental term in finance but is extremely crucial to understand while deriving the value. Also, several e...
CA, CS, CMA : Valuation is an exercise which is unique for every transaction and requires efforts, involvement, application of mind and thought ...
CA, CS, CMA : Advisory to follow the ICAI Valuation Standards 2018 while conducting any type of Valuation Engagement to ensure uniformity and tr...
CA, CS, CMA : Financial reporting in India has undergone a significant transformation owing to the adoption of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind ...
Excise Duty : CESTAT Kolkata held that demand of excise duty in terms of rule 8 of the Valuation Rules not sustainable as correct higher duty al...
Income Tax : Intelligrape Software Pvt. Ltd. Vs ITO (ITAT Delhi) When the assessee Company had opted for valuation of unquoted equity shares in...
Income Tax : Flutura Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Vs ITO (ITAT Bangalore) We are of the view that, the Assessing Officer has erred in consideri...
Custom Duty : Sunland Alloys Vs C.C. (CESTAT Ahmedabad) The issue under consideration is whether the DGOV guidelines are over and above Customs ...
Custom Duty : CESTAT are of the clear view that merely based on DGOV circular also, value cannot be enhanced which is without authority of law. ...
Corporate Law : RV has liberty to adopt the cost approach to estimate the value of plant and machinery assets in accordance with International Val...
Corporate Law : The Companies (Registered Valuers and Valuation) Rules, 2017 (Rules) envisage Registered Valuer Organisations (RVOs) to act as fro...
Income Tax : Amendment in Rule 11U and 11UA omitting reference to the term accountant, thereby permitting only merchant bankers to determine th...
Income Tax : Draft Rules for prescribing the method of valuation of fair market value in respect of the trust or the institution ceases to ex...
Income Tax : Notification No. 2/2010-Income Tax at page 20 of the Gazette Notification, in sixth line of clause (B) of sub-rule 2, for “amoun...
It is proposed to amend the provisions of section 55A of the Income-tax Act to enable the Assessing Officer to make a reference to the Valuation Officer where in his opinion the value declared by the assessee is at variance from the fair market value. Therefore, in case where the Assessing Officer is of the opinion that the value taken by the assessee as on 1.4.1981 is higher than the fair market value of the asset as on that date, the Assessing Officer would be enabled to make a reference
This Court has upheld the conclusion of the Tribunal that the physician’s samples have to be valued on pro-rata basis. The Tribunal, while arriving at the aforesaid conclusion, had relied upon its earlier decision in the case of Commissioner of Central Excise, Calicut vs. Trinity Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., reported as 2005 (188) ELT 48, which has been accepted by the department. Therefore, we hold that physician samples have to be valued on pro-rata basis for the relevant period.
Despite being one of the most complex methods of stock valuation, Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) analysis gained wide popularity following the Great Stock Market Crash of 1929. Though DCF calculation has been used in some form or other since ancient times, it was formally expressed in modern economic terms for the first time by Mr Irving Fisher in his book “The Theory of Interest” in 1930.
EBITDA (Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation) multiple is often called as Enterprise Multiple since it takes into account entire enterprise irrespective of capital structure. It takes into account a company’s debt and cash levels in addition to its stock price and relates that value to the firm’s cash profitability. It is calculated by using the following formula:
Price-To-Earnings Ratio is one of the simplest and most popular method of valuation which measures the price paid for a single share in comparison to its earnings per share. It is calculated by using the following formula:PE Ratio= Market Value Per Share / Earnings Per Share (EPS)
Whether the capital markets are bearish or bullish, most of the investors generally face a common problem as to when to take position in a particular stock and when to exit so that they can maximize their profits. Investors usually want to know the value of stock that they are going to buy, hold or sell. The value of the stock may be the current value or future value. Every investor likes to buy stock at a cheaper market price and sell at a higher price than its actual value. However, the million dollar question is “How to value a particular stock???” Though, there are several methods of valuation, all of them need valuation of the business of company as a whole.
Notification No. 2/2010-Income Tax at page 20 of the Gazette Notification, in sixth line of clause (B) of sub-rule 2, for “amount attributable to official use of the vehicle provided that the following conditions are fulfilled”, read “amount of charges met or reimbursed by the employer as reduced by such higher amount attributable to official use of the vehicle provided that the following conditions are fulfilled ”,
The fringe benefit tax (FBT) was strongly opposed by India Inc, but there is no doubt that it was beneficial to the employees — they did not have to directly bear the tax on many perquisites. The repeal of FBT meant uncertainty on taxation of perks. Thankfully, there are few changes to the valuation rules when compared to the rules that existed prior to the introduction of FBT.
It’s not going to be easy for small and unlisted companies to issue employees stock options schemes (ESOPs) as per the latest Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) rules for valuation of perquisites. The valuation rules for calculating the fair market value of shares allotted to employees is substantially the same as compared to the fringe benefit tax (FBT) regime. “Employers once again have to obtain a valuation from a Category 1 merchant banker to determine the fair market value of the shares for unlisted companies.
The salaried class, reeling under the inflationary pressures, has suffered yet another setback this holiday season with the announcement of new perquisite valuation rules by the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) on December 18. The new rules have come in the wake of the abolishment of fringe benefit tax (FBT) by finance minister Pranab Mukherjee in this year’s Budget and will be applicable retrospectively from April 1, 2009.