Income Tax : Learn about income tax exemptions for universities, hospitals, and educational institutions under Section 10 of the Income Tax Act...
Income Tax : Learn about the amendments to Section 92CA concerning references to the Transfer Pricing Officer for determining arm's length pric...
Income Tax : New transfer pricing rules allow arm’s length price (ALP) determinations to apply for two consecutive years, reducing compliance...
Income Tax : Finance Bill 2025 allows multi-year Arm’s Length Price determination for similar transactions, reducing repetitive proceedings i...
Finance : The Finance Bill 2025 proposes multi-year ALP determination to reduce compliance burdens in transfer pricing. Learn about its fram...
Income Tax : CBDT sets transfer pricing tolerance range at 1% for wholesale trading and 3% for other transactions for AY 2024-25, providing cla...
Income Tax : From April 2025, TPOs can determine ALP for SDTs not initially referred or reported. This ensures accurate adjustments and complia...
Income Tax : What is the procedure to approve Form 3CEB? Form uploaded by CA shall be available under For your action tab in Taxpayer’s Workl...
Income Tax : ICAI Releases Exposure Draft Guidance Note On Report Under Section 92E Of Income-Tax Act, 1961 (Transfer Pricing) Based on the la...
Income Tax : Association for Corporate Advisers and Executives (ACAE) made a Request for Extension of Due Dates for filing Tax Audit and Transf...
Income Tax : Advocate Amardeep Soni & Advocate Harsha Soni Gemplus India Pvt. Ltd. Vs ACIT (ITAT Bangalore) A Case Study of ITAT BANGALORE...
Income Tax : Bangalore ITAT overturns AO's PE classification of QlikTech India, orders fresh review based on TPO order, addresses TDS and inter...
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore sets aside AO's decision in Qlik Tech International AB vs DCIT, addressing PE classification, TDS credit, and tax r...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi directs inclusion of Magma Advisory Services Ltd. in Honda R&D's comparable list, rejecting TPO's reasons and DR's func...
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore deletes AO’s protective addition in LM Wind Power case, citing settled MAP proceedings on IT fees and commission ...
Income Tax : CBDT sets 1% tolerance for wholesale trading and 3% for other cases under Section 92C for FY 2024-25. No adverse effects from retr...
Income Tax : Stay informed on the latest Income Tax Rule changes with Notification No. 104/2023 by the Ministry of Finance. Learn about amendme...
Income Tax : Read how CBDT's Notification No. 58/2023 amends Income-tax Rules, extending Safe Harbour rules to AY 2023-24. Insights from Minist...
Income Tax : Notification No. 46/2023-Income-Tax Dated: 26th June, 2023 regarding deemed arm's length price for assessment year 2023-2024. Le...
Income Tax : In exercise of the powers conferred by the third proviso to sub-section (2) of section 92C of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961...
The Income-tax Act was introduced in 1961 adopting the erstwhile Act of 1922 wherein the laws on taxation of MNEs became significantly important soon after the globalization of the Indian Economy. India has never become part of the OECD; however, UN Model has already adopted the OECD Model of Transfer Pricing back in the 1980s.
Watermarke Residency Limited Vs DCIT (ITAT Hyderabad) In the present case, the TPO had benchmarked the transaction after treating the FCCDs as debt. This finding of TPO was based on Terms of issuance of FCCD and balance-sheets/ financials of the assessee as well as of it’s A.E, where both had mentioned FCCD as debt. We […]
ECL Finance Limited Vs ACIT (ITAT Mumbai) As per sub-section 3 to section 92CA inserted with effect from 1.6.2007 time limit for TPO to pass the order is within the period of sixty days prior to the date of completion of the order as per section 153 of the Act. Since reference under section 92CA […]
Stay updated with the latest OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for 2022. Learn how these guidelines tackle tax avoidance and promote transparency in international tax rules.
ITAT Mumbai held that as TPO has gathered financial and functional details of the company by way of using his authority under section 133(6) of the Income Tax Act hence the same needs to provide all the gathered information to the assessee.
Learn about the special features of Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs) in India, annual compliances, revision, cancellation, and more in this detailed guide
What is the procedure to approve Form 3CEB? Form uploaded by CA shall be available under For your action tab in Taxpayer’s Worklist. Taxpayer may either approve or reject form 3CEB.
The transfer pricing rules are meant to prevent tax leakage and market distortion that may result from the prices set for transactions among related parties. While cost-plus is one of the most commonly used methods to assign an appropriate price for a product or service, it’s not the best method to follow in all cases.
PCIT Vs Amway India Enterprises (Delhi High Court) In the present appeal, the learned counsel for the Appellant states that the ITAT erred in confirming the order of the CIT(A) and failed to appreciate the fact that the royalty payment is excessive and not at arm’s length on consideration of Advertisement, Marketing and Promotion (‘AMP’) […]
Court is of the view that every Assessment Year is a separate unit which is governed by its own peculiar facts and difference of opinion between the parties, as to the appropriateness of one or the other methods to calculate arm’s length price, cannot per se be a ground for interference