Finance : Learn how to pay taxes with a credit card, its benefits, drawbacks, and factors to consider. Discover if it’s the right option f...
Income Tax : Learn about of e-payment of direct taxes and its mandatory and optional aspects. Discover benefits, requirements, and steps for m...
Finance : Explore advantages and disadvantages of various tax payment methods, including online, over-the-counter, mobile banking, and net b...
CA, CS, CMA : Simplify your tax payments in India with ESBTR Challan payments. Explore how this digital method enhances convenience, reduces err...
Goods and Services Tax : IGST, CGST, SGST & UTGST: Learn about the different types of GST and the Payment of Tax under GST Part I by Sri. Raju of Chennai....
Income Tax : Comprehensive list of 30 banks available at the e-Filing Portal's e-Pay Tax service. Find out the new and migrated banks, along wi...
Income Tax : Income, expenditure, and tax payment history of BCCI over last five years. Understand BCCI's financial data, income tax payments, ...
Corporate Law : Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley inaugurates the Non-Tax Receipt Portal (NTRP); Portal provides a one-stop platform to citizens/...
Income Tax : The last date of payment of December 2015 installment of advance tax for both corporate and non-corporate taxpayers in the State o...
Income Tax : Income Tax Rules provide that the following persons shall pay tax electronically (i.e. internet banking facility or through credit...
Income Tax : The last date of payment of December 2015 installment of advance tax for both corporate and non-corporate taxpayers in the State o...
Fema / RBI : Agency banks doing Government business alone will be permitted to present instruments in the Special Clearing on other participati...
Fema / RBI : With a view to facilitate collection of advance taxes for Income Tax and Corporate Tax and meeting the probable rush of tax-payers...
Fema / RBI : These special clearings are exclusively for Government receipts and is in addition to the normal clearing operations conducted on ...
Fema / RBI : Accordingly, it has been decided that all Agency banks shall keep the counters of their designated branches conducting Government ...
Why tax is levied? The reason for levy of the taxes is because that they constitute the basic source of revenue to the government. Revenue that is raised through the collection of taxes is significantly utilized for
With a view to facilitate collection of advance taxes for Income Tax and Corporate Tax and meeting the probable rush of tax-payers, it has been decided in consultation with the Department of Financial Services,
These special clearings are exclusively for Government receipts and is in addition to the normal clearing operations conducted on September 14, 2013 (Saturday).
Payment of Quarterly Advance Tax on or before 15th September, 2013 All Designated Branches of Authorized Banks to Function on 14th and 15th September, 2013 (Saturday Sunday) All designated branches of authorized banks have been asked to function on 14th and 15th September, 2013 (Saturday & Sunday) to accept advance tax payments. If any tax […]
Accordingly, it has been decided that all Agency banks shall keep the counters of their designated branches conducting Government business open (full day with extended hours) on March 29, 30 and 31, 2013 to facilitate receipt of Government taxes from members of public even at late hours.
For the convenience of taxpayers, the Reserve Bank of India has made special arrangements at Mumbai and Navi Mumbai offices to receive taxes beyond normal working hours on March 30, 2012 and March 31, 2012 as follows:
Private sector Axis Bank today announced the launch of the facility to pay income tax at ATMs. This facility, initially, will be available at select ATMs in the major centres and will shortly be made available at all 5,600-plus ATMs across the country, the bank said in a press release issued.
Is the Service Tax payable by the assessee even in cases where his clients [recipient of service] do not pay for the service(s) rendered or when the client pays only a part of the bill raised in this regard? Service Tax is required to be paid at t
Form G.A.R.7 (previously known as TR6 Challan) should be used to make service tax payments. Payment of service tax may be made at the specified branches of the designated banks. The details of such Banks and branches may be obtained from the nearest
The income-tax (I-T) department has issued show-cause notices to a few television channels and production houses for allegedly not deducting tax at source (TDS) on payments made towards professional and technical services for three-and-a-half years