Income Tax : Explore our analysis on including Company Secretaries as Accountants under the Income-Tax Bill 2025. Benefits include improved com...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore disqualifications outlined in Income Tax Act for tax auditors in India, ensuring integrity and transparency in financial g...
Income Tax : Explore details of Clause 44 in Tax Audit Report (Form 3CD) and its GST reporting requirements. Learn how to fill out this crucial...
Income Tax : Tax audit procedure under Section 44AB of the Income Tax Act explained simply. Taxpayers need to appoint a Chartered Accountant to...
Income Tax : Purchase and capital expenditures are required to be reported under clause 44 of Tax Audit report as both falls under expenditure ...
Income Tax : Read CAASs recommendations for fair tax audit allocation, ensuring auditor independence and quality. They suggested automated allo...
Income Tax : More than 30.75 lakh audit reports, including 29.5 lakh Tax Audit Reports, were filed for AY 2023-24 by the September 30 deadline,...
CA, CS, CMA : Proposing the inclusion of Cost and Management Accountants under Section 288(2) of the Income Tax Act to enhance tax audits and pr...
Income Tax : Exposure Draft of Revised ‘Guidance Note on Tax Audit under section 44AB of Income-tax Act, 1961’ is issued by ICAI Direct Tax...
CA, CS, CMA : Representation to CBDT on information sought from Tax Auditors under Clause 44 of Form 3CD and request to abolish this requirement...
Income Tax : Lucknow CA Tax Practitioners Association VS. UOI (Allahabad High Court) As far as prayer no.1 of the petitioner-association for is...
Income Tax : Appellant Foundation of Tax and Accounting Professionals (FTAPs) has withdrawn the writ in view of Further extension of Tax Audit ...
Income Tax : Gauhati High Court has instructed CBDT to Consider Representation filed by Tax Bar Association on or before 25.10.2018 by which th...
Income Tax : All Gujarat Federation of Tax Consultants Vs Union of India (Gujarat High Court) 11.10.2018– It is an agreed position that...
Income Tax : Plywood and Allied Products Dealers Association of India Vs. UOI & Ors (Kerala High Court) The Petitioner is an association o...
Income Tax : CBDT issued Notification No. 88/2020 and extended Due dates of Income Tax Return and Tax Audit Report as follows:- A. Income Tax R...
Income Tax : The due date for furnishing of Income Tax Returns for the taxpayers (including their partners) who are required to get their accou...
Income Tax : CBDT further extends the ‘due-date’ for filing of Income-tax Returns/Tax Audit Reports for the Assessment year 2019-20 as spec...
Income Tax : Order u/s 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 for Extension of due date for filing of Income-tax Returns/Tax Audit Reports to 31st Jan...
Income Tax : Extension of due date for filing of Income-tax Returns (ITR)/Tax Audit Reports (TAR) to 30th November, 2019 in respect of Union Te...
We are attaching detailed comparative analysis of Revised Tax Audit Report in the excel format with updated table formats as per the schema of the Forms 3CA/3CB-3CD on the Income Tax website. The file also contains the Screenshots of the updated schema for the clauses where the changes in table formats took place.
CBDT hereby extends the due date for obtaining and furnishing of the report of audit under section 44AB of the Act for Assessment Year 2014-15 in case of assessees who are not required to furnish report under section 92E of the Act from 30th day of September, 2014 to 30th November, 2014.
The Central Board of Direct Taxes has through, Income-tax (7th Amendment) Rules, 2014, notified new Forms of tax audit reports namely Form No. 3CA, 3CB and 3CD.The said notification can be downloaded from the link below: With regard to the same, ICAI invites suggestions on the said new tax audit report formats, from the […]
Finance Act, 1984 introduced Section 44AB under Income-tax Act, 1961 w.e.f Assessment Year 1985-86. Under this section, if the total sales / turnover or gross receipts for previous year exceed the prescribed limits then assessee is required to get his accounts audited by an “Accountant”. This audit is popularly known as Tax Audit.
ICAI has in its Pre-Budget Memorandum Presented to Ministry of Finance suggested that porposed changes in Definition of the term accountant in the Direct Taxes Code, 2013 are not required and claimed that ICAI is a premier body formed by MCA only to train chartered accountants to gain expertise in accounting and auditing ICAI.
The requirements of Form 3CA/Form 3CB require the auditor to give a true and fair view on the accounts of the assessee which can be given only by persons having a high degree of training and competence in accounting. This level of knowledge in accounting is possessed only by chartered accountants acquired by virtue of […]
In case of Corporates, chartered Accountants are getting fees in the range of Lakhs, but in non-corporates cases, they get fees in the range of Thousands only. Therefore, CA’s make best combination of tax audit assignments to sign tax audit reports under section 44AB to yield Revenue.
In order to maintain the quality of tax audit to be conducted by our members. ICAI in the year 1989 imposed a limit on audits to be conducted by a practicing member in any financial year. At that time the limit was specified at 30. The process of fixation of ceiling on the number of […]
Clause 1: Name of Assessee- 1. Give name of the assessee whose accounts are being audited under section 44AB. 2. Incase of audit of a branch, the name of the branch should be stated alongwith the name of the assessee. 3. Incase of proprietary concern, Furnish name of the proprietary firm along with the name of the proprietor.
The matter regarding assignment of the tax audit work to one of the SCAs and fee payable to SCA so selected was reviewed and it has been decided that PSBs may appoint at the Head office level also any chartered accountant firm as their tax auditor at a reasonable fee with the approval of their Board /ACB.