Income Tax : Discover the implications of sections of the Income Tax Act, 1961, and articles of the Constitution of India in tax assessments an...
Income Tax : Article explains Procedure of Filing an Appeal before Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals), Orders Which Are Appealable by Assesse...
Income Tax : Introduction: Generally, after completion of the Income tax assessment, the tax department issues a notice under Section 156 of th...
Income Tax : With due respect I would like to state that on processing of my income tax return for the AY 2017-18 Income Tax Department freeze ...
Income Tax : Such appeal shall be filed before the Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (CCIT) or Commissioner of Income Tax (CIT) [II Schedule Rul...
Income Tax : India's tax arrears stand at ₹47 lakh crore as of Dec 2024. CBDT & CBIC are taking steps, including asset identification, litiga...
Corporate Law : CAG's audit highlights inefficiencies in recovering ₹8.5 lakh crore of outstanding income tax demands. Key issues: inflated dema...
Income Tax : KSCAA Representation regarding adjustments (over and above 20% of disputed demand) by CPC despite assessments pending before first...
Income Tax : Grievances and suggestions with respect to the functioning of Demand Facilitation Center, CPC (DFC) in connection to the outstandi...
Income Tax : The Central Board of Direct Taxes had issued directions to the field offices that taxpayers whose tax has been deducted at source ...
Income Tax : Explore Bhailal Babubhai Patel Vs PCIT case in Gujarat High Court. Learn why a valid show-cause notice is crucial for recovery und...
Income Tax : Delhi HC directs refund of Income Tax amount exceeding 20% of the demand. Read about the Max Life Insurance case and the decision ...
Income Tax : The issue under consideration is the rejection of stay of demand by the assessing authority without offering an opportunity of hea...
Income Tax : Pirna Urban Co-Oeprative Credit Society Ltd. Vs ITO (Bombay at Goa High Court) The issue under consideration is the notice issued ...
Income Tax : In the show-cause notice, there is no whisper of any steps having been taken against the Company for recovery of the outstanding a...
Income Tax : Corrigendum to Order under section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 dated 16.10.2020 for exercising power of intrusive or coercive ...
Goods and Services Tax : As we near the end of the Financial Year 2017-18, I would once again like to reiterate our need to focus on the recovery of arrear...
Income Tax : As per the Central Action Plan issued for the F.Y. 2017-18, all pending appeals having tax effect of Rs. 50 crore or more are to ...
Income Tax : On review of the progress of TDS collections it is noted that as on 31.08.2017, an amount of Rs. 1,65,114 crore has been collected...
Income Tax : A Committee of the following officers is hereby constituted to study the nature and extent of arrears of direct taxes and to sugge...
Learn about the recovery of outstanding tax demand and the resources available to assist the assesses in protecting themselves from unjust tax recovery.
In the show-cause notice, there is no whisper of any steps having been taken against the Company for recovery of the outstanding amount. Even in the impugned order, no such details or information has been staled.
Find out how to respond to outstanding income tax demands under Section 143(1). Learn the steps for online payment and dispute resolution.
Learn about the procedure of recovery under the Income Tax Act and understand the different modes of recoveries available.
Since CIT rejected assessee’s application for stay of recovery of demand merely relying of CBDT instruction which was cryptic and non-speaking as CBDT circular/instruction could not serve as a series of guidelines in the matter of grant of stay, therefore, the matter was remanded back to CIT for disposal afresh in accordance with law.
Explore the flaws in conventional coercive tax recovery measures. This in-depth analysis highlights the need for a fresh approach to tax collection in our country.
The court ordered the refund due for AY 1993-94 and 1995-96 to be granted to the assessee along with appropriate interest and also ordered a sum of INR 1.50 Lakhs to be paid to the assessee on account of inefficiency and lapse on the part of the department.
Which are the applicable sections for the purpose of recovery of GST short paid or not paid or amount erroneously refunded or input tax credit wrongly availed or utilized? Section 73 deals with the cases where there is no invocation of fraud/suppression/mis-statement etc. Section 74 deals with cases where the provisions related to fraud/suppression/mis-statement etc. are invoked.
Burden of proof in case a person claim that he is eligible for input tax credit under GST shall lie on the person who claims it. Hence an onerous duty is caste on the taxpayer to prove his credits failing which presumption of wrong availment or wrong utilization can be drawn. However in all other cases tax authorities need to prove that tax has not been paid or short paid or erroneously refunded.
Champa Devi Vs Tax Recovery Officer (TRO) (Madras High Court) In the instant case, the respondent has issued the impugned notice and the petitioner has straightaway approached this Court and filed this writ petition. In my considered view, this writ petition is not the proper remedy, which the petitioner should have availed. In this regard, it is relevant […]