Dt. No. 683/CIT/(A&J)/2015
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board Direct Taxes
New Delhi, 12th October, 2017
All Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax,
Sub: – Disposal of High Tax Effect cases having tax effect more than Rs. 50 Cr. reg.
Ref:- Dy. No. 683/CIT(A&J)/2015-Vol-II dated 17.08.2017 (Copy enclosed).
Kindly refer to the above:
2. Vide letter under reference, it was communicated that on ITBA module 1169 High Tax effect cases having disputed tax effect above Rs. 50 crore are pending with CIT(A) as on 01/04/2017. Region wise list of these cases have also been sent through this letter.
3. As per the Central Action Plan issued for the F.Y. 2017-18, all pending appeals having tax effect of Rs. 50 crore or more are to be dispose of up to 31st December, 2017 as mentioned at Para (i) of Action Plan of chapter-III of the Central Action Plan which is reproduced as under: –
(i) Category ‘A’ appeals involving demand above Rs. 50 crore and pending as on 01/04/2017 shall be disposed of by 31/12/2017.
4. But due to some typographical mistake, the date for disposal of all pending appeals having tax effect of Rs. 50 crore or more was wrongly written as March, 2018 in place of 31st December, 2017 in the above mentioned letter.
5. Undersigned is therefore directed to request to disposed of all pending appeals having tax effect more than 50 core upto 31st December, 2017
5. This issues with the approval of CIT (A&J).
Yours faithfully
Encl: as above
D.S. Rathi
Tele: 011-26882637
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