Application for Unfreeze Bank Account
The Income Tax Officer,
Ref: ____________
PAN – ____________
A.Y. –____________
Sub – Application for Unfreeze of Bank Account.
Respected Sir,
With due respect I would like to state that on processing of my income tax return for the AY 2017-18 Income Tax Department freeze my bank account (A/c No. xxxxxxxxxxxx of SBI Bank) due to the reason of outstanding tax liability as processed in intimation u/s 143(1), Which I have rectified and received rectification order dated 20th January, 2021 via reference number CPC/1718/U4/xxxxxxxxx which shows that there is no demand and refund outstanding.
Now as the issue is resolved I would request you to kindly unfreeze my above mentioned bank account at Annexure-I
We have also received rectification order dated 20th January, 2021 via reference number CPC/1718/U4/xxxxxxxxxx which shows that there is no demand and refund outstanding. The copy of same is enclosed herewith at Annexure-II.
We therefore request your Good Self to consider the above facts and submissions and kindly unfreeze my abovementioned bank account.
Thanking You,
Yours truly,
For Lokesh Prajapat