F. No. 385/20/2017-IT(B)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Central Board of Direct Taxes
Dated: 25.05.2017
Office Memorandum
Subject: Constitution of Committee to recommend measures for expeditious recovery of arrears of taxes.
A Committee of the following officers is hereby constituted to study the nature and extent of arrears of direct taxes and to suggest measures for expeditious recovery of the outstanding dues:
(1) | Shri Aditya Vikram | Pr. DGIT (Admin) | Chairman |
(2) | Ms. Kavita Bhatnagar | ADG (Recovery) | Member |
(3) | Shri Zakir Thomas | ADG (Risk Asst.) | Member |
(4) | Shri Sunil Chandra Sharma | CIT (CPC-TDS) | Member |
(5) | Shri Sanjay Tripathi | Addl. CIT, Delhi | Member |
(6) | Ms. Kesang Sherpa | Addl. CIT, Delhi | Member |
(7) | Ms. Garima Jain | Addl. DIT (Recovery) | Member- Secretary |
2. The Committee shall have the following terms of reference:
a. To study the broad categories under which arrears of taxes are classified and suggest class- specific measures for expeditious collection or otherwise liquidation of such demands.
b. To study the age profile of the outstanding taxes and make policy-level recommendations for dealing with demand which is older than a certain number of years.
c. To analyze whether certain Charges or Regions are more prone to raising demands which remain uncollected for long periods and to suggest measures for-
i. preventing creation of infructuous demands by such Charges/ Regions.
ii. expeditious collection/ reduction of pending arrears in such Charges/ Regions.
d. To study top dossier cases to see whether additional parameters of monitoring are required to be prescribed by the Board to ensure that larger recoveries are made in such cases in shorter time-frame.
e. To review whether the policy of ‘naming and shaming’ in respect of confirmed defaulters of arrear has served its intended purpose and whether there is need to expand its scope (e.g. sharing of defaulters data with banks, financial institutions, credit-rating/ risk-rating agencies, etc.)
f. To make recommendations on any other issue relating to collections and management of arrears of demand.
3. The Chairman of the Committee may co-opt any other officer of the Income Tax Department having expertise in the area of demand management as Member.
4. The Committee shall submit its report to the Board by 15th of July. 2017.
This issues with the approval of Chairman. CBDT
(Anand Jha)
Commissioner (IT&CT)
Tel/ Fax: +91-11-2309 2153
Copy to:
- Chairman and all Members of the Committee.
- Chairman and all Members of CBDT.
- All Pr. CCsIT and Pr. DGsIT with the request to submit their suggestions to the
- All Joint Secretaries and Commissioners in CBDT.
- Database Cell for uploading on the IRS Online Portal.