Corporate Law : Explore the debate on extended working hours, productivity, health risks, and work-life balance. Insights from industry leaders an...
Corporate Law : Explore mediation's role in promoting social justice and equality, its legal framework in India, and how it addresses systemic ine...
CA, CS, CMA : I switched off my phone for 24 hours to reflect, learn, and recharge. Here's what I learned about digital detox and its benefits f...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore how knowledge empowers students and teachers through innovative, value-based education and training to meet challenges and...
Corporate Law : Explore the significance of Kundli in astrology, its components, and remedies like the Gomed stone for overcoming challenges and e...
Corporate Law : The desire to succeed, right intentions and obstacles make a man. This is what Actor Boman Irani sought to purvey in ‘The Journ...
Competence makes the difference between the success and failure. It performs even in adverse circumstances by making adaptation and taking advantage from the hindrances. This is what emphasized by the Darwin’s theory of ‘Natural selection and the survival of the fittest.’
This is the one thing which keeps haunting most of the people who aren’t happy with their lives. Should I move on or stay where I am? Ask yourself what do you do fancy doing? Or better yet, what makes you happy? Does being where you are gives you joy, or does it suck all the positive energy out of you?
We all go to work, make a living out of it. We are the working class. We work all day, earn what we have and repeat the same routine all over again. But, do we have to be crying and venting about it? I am not the boss. I don’t get to make the decisions.
We all are professionals, CA, CS, Bankers, Tax Consultants, lawyers etc. and in this fast life we all want to be successful. Everyone thrives to be at the top, to be seen by all the people, to be appreciated, rewarded, most of all to be accepted. All we need is people to approve of us, of our habits, the way we do things.
Friendship is the best relationship that a person should have to lead a more meaningful life in this world, next only to the Family system. An understanding spouse is the best friend in married life. When elders treat the juniors as friends, peace and happiness are sure to prevail.
Life is meaningful when it has a purpose. Any Life becomes useful after satisfying the need of self or others. Human life is precious because of the superior power of reasoning. Constructive application of this power benefits all the inhabitants of the Earth while its negative use spells doom for everybody, including the self.
Speed has become a fashion and necessity in the digital era. The limited resources and the growing population have necessitated the development of speedy service as Fast food, Express ticketing, Quick visas, Fast lane traffic, etc. Even the time is moving on the fast track: years get completed before we count the days. Burgers and pizzas profit from our hastiness and laziness.
Discipline refers to ‘Orderliness, System and Code of behavior.’ We can notice the discipline in our surrounding nature also. Animals and plants have discipline. Birds fly in flocks. Bees and Ants work as a team. The upper part of a plant grows towards the sunlight while the underground roots spread searching for water and nutrition.
‘Indebtedness’ refers to a situation in which a person becomes liable for a service or favor. Our life depends on several aspects like Nature, Society, Culture, Politics, etc.. The growth and development of us is woven around these factors. Everything is interlinked and interdependent as well.
Most of the people in the world are not aware of the fact that the Cosmic plan for all living beings on the planet earth is so designed that there is a provision for all, as far as the material requirements are concerned. In this context, it must be realized that the universe is abounding in all good things, material as well as spiritual, but still most of the persons are busy in blind pursuit to secure a few gold coins or a few acres of dirt and it then that we realize how destructive and ignorant selfishness is.