Corporate Law : Explore the debate on extended working hours, productivity, health risks, and work-life balance. Insights from industry leaders an...
Corporate Law : Explore mediation's role in promoting social justice and equality, its legal framework in India, and how it addresses systemic ine...
CA, CS, CMA : I switched off my phone for 24 hours to reflect, learn, and recharge. Here's what I learned about digital detox and its benefits f...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore how knowledge empowers students and teachers through innovative, value-based education and training to meet challenges and...
Corporate Law : Explore the significance of Kundli in astrology, its components, and remedies like the Gomed stone for overcoming challenges and e...
Corporate Law : The desire to succeed, right intentions and obstacles make a man. This is what Actor Boman Irani sought to purvey in ‘The Journ...
When people fail to understand their follies, it becomes essential to check them by others. Principally, there are two ways as Harsh and Kind methods, to make anyone realize the mistakes. Any rough treatments like whiplash, electric shock, hanging, etc.
Humans are the only species on Earth that claim to possess the sixth sense but behave unintelligently. Might be that they think too much, get trapped in unwanted worries, and end up without enjoying the life. Nature is the best tutor as it throws up an infinite number of methods, tactics, and tricks on how to live happily without the botheration such as greed, enmity, and future.
Being a CA I too have experienced the ups and downs of the journey but trust me I have enjoyed my ride thoroughly to the CA halt and thereafter I realised that it was not a halt but a new beginning. The result being 4-5% in every exam does relieve 4-5 students per hundred but 95-96 students per hundred are helpless and have to resume all efforts.
The very thought of the word ‘Beauty’ thrills and kindles imagination. Beauty is an inner feeling about the external world. It’s the perception of the invisible mind about anything visible to our eyes. Nature manifests the beauty in several ways and dimensions. Flowers & fruits, Rainbow
Sudoku is a Japanese game which is a logic-based, number-placement puzzle. In this game one has to fill a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 subgrids all contains the digits from 1 to 9. The puzzle setter provides a partially completed grid, which has to be completely filled.
These 3 words NEVER GIVE UP seems to be very common to us as since our childhood, we are listening to the same from our parents, teachers and friends but after a failure these three words becomes the sense of motivation in the lives of almost all of us.
Everyone wishes to show their presence by projecting their qualifications and skills in their own ways. As there are no defined standards for reference to facilitate a person in shaping his/her image, a sincere attempt is made here to list them. The following are the practical tips for cultivating a positive personality.
Bargain means a method to strike a deal or settlement through an interaction involving two or more persons. It’s a negotiation made to arrive at a mutual answer or agreement. Bargain is very popular among the business communities for generating profits. However, it is very common in daily life.
Life on our planet consists of many twins like Day and Night, Good and Bad, Birth and Death, Pains and Pleasures, etc. Lazy and easy-going people prefer pleasures forgetting the truth ‘Pleasures are impossible without pains.’ Nobody remembers the good work of road builders, when taking a smooth drive down the highways.
Would not be an exaggeration if said, Life without yoga certainly difficult to survive. An appeal to all guys dreaming about going ahead, Spare few minutes for asanas- meditation, pranayama & exercise.