Corporate Law : Explore the debate on extended working hours, productivity, health risks, and work-life balance. Insights from industry leaders an...
Corporate Law : Explore mediation's role in promoting social justice and equality, its legal framework in India, and how it addresses systemic ine...
CA, CS, CMA : I switched off my phone for 24 hours to reflect, learn, and recharge. Here's what I learned about digital detox and its benefits f...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore how knowledge empowers students and teachers through innovative, value-based education and training to meet challenges and...
Corporate Law : Explore the significance of Kundli in astrology, its components, and remedies like the Gomed stone for overcoming challenges and e...
Corporate Law : The desire to succeed, right intentions and obstacles make a man. This is what Actor Boman Irani sought to purvey in ‘The Journ...
Now a day if we see there is increase in number of suicides. There are various reasons, circumstances, situations behind it. But common reason coming out is Depression. What should we learned from the news of Suicides? It is the time and need of the hour that we should look within. It is now also […]
How do we, who are in legal and compliance services can not just Survive but Excel in tough Time during this Pandemic of COVID-19 A lot is being said and heard about finding Opportunities from Adversity for CS and Lawyers who are in practice. We all have attended number of webinars and sessions about the […]
Nothing is permanent. Yes and therefore this COVID -19 is also has to be passed in near future. History shows that everything on this planet whatever it may be, changed after some period of time. Just like there is birth and death in case of all living being, same is the case with any other […]
Since mother’s day is falling on 10th of May, I thought I would discuss certain things which you can do for your mother to make this day special for her from financial perspective. Let us discuss what all you can do to help her. Give her an annual preventative health check up As all the […]
Covid-19 has set a new trend of working from home and it’s not going to end anytime soon as it appears. Due to this, there is a challenge for the organisations in managing their most critical asset i.e. Human resources. A challenge which is not only limited to making sure that they remain motivated while […]
Now that we are in the lockdown and struck at home, what’s the one thing we all are doing?? Don’t tell me its doing the dishes and mopping the floor!!! Anyways, atleast as per Google, its Binge Watching! There is a significant increase in the viewership of content streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime. […]
In today’s scenario every next person is facing the problems of fear and slowly slowly he is moving towards the depression. Even some times we will see that fear is unnecessary and then as well because of that fear either person is going into depression or committing suicide. A teenager commit suicide just because he […]
Locked down extended and it should be. Reason behind today’s article is what are you doing presently & going to do in coming days. I am not going to discuss with you what you had done in past locked down days. I want you to concentrate on coming days. Remember time is a valuable asset […]
आज की तू सोच ले, कल की चिंता छोड़ दे, वर्क फ्रॉम होम कर लो सभी, कोरोना की तोड़ो कड़ी I वर्क फ्रॉम होम कर लो सभी, कोरोना की तोड़ो कड़ी I वन्दे भारतम्…………… – संकट के इस काल में, घोर महामारी में, देश की पुकार यही, कोरोना की तोड़ो कड़ी I वन्दे भारतम्………. – […]
Due to COVID -19 all World is in locked down situation. It forces everyone to make use of digital techniques and tools as much as possible. Just think for a minute, if we didn’t had such advanced digital techniques and tools where we would stand. Currently maximum people are working from home except emergency staff. […]