In today’s scenario every next person is facing the problems of fear and slowly slowly he is moving towards the depression. Even some times we will see that fear is unnecessary and then as well because of that fear either person is going into depression or committing suicide.
A teenager commit suicide just because he was not getting more likes on tiktok… whats this ?
What the parents, Teachers, friends and other mentors are doing?
To go into depression or committing suicide is not a short term incidence then the question arise what the parents, friends, teachers & mentors are doing?
Are they unable to understand their children’s. or they do not have time.
Depression has no age… a student of 18 years is committing suicide and a person of 70 years may also suffer from depression…
As per the study ‘India is the most depressed country in the world. Even the country like Indonesia is on 5th stage is in ranking and USA is on 3rd.
You’ll be shocked to know that 300 million people worldwide are suffering from depression. Depression and bad mental health have been ignored as a serious issue since ages. But, do you know, depression can also lead to death if it gets worst?
‘Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and also harder to bear’– C.S. Lewis
What precaution we all should take for ourself, childrens, collegues, siblings, parents and others.
Depression is a serious medical illness and we must not avoid or ignore it. Generally we may observe that in India people shy from the treatment of this illness. Too many professionals are suffereing from the same. I cannot take the name but we all have read that MR. X , professional committed suicide due to depression. We have to take care of few things.
Firstly we should take care of our family members, especially children’s and old age person. We need to check that they must be not in pressure or in sadness due to studies, play, games, goodwill, good scoring, etc. etc.
We do not need to do only talking with them but also to do activities with them on regular basis, we need to understand their problems. May be they are not strong like you. So, never think this is very small problem. It may be for you but might be not for them. So, don’t take the things very common. Please take it very seriously. Sometimes they become in fear just because of watching the situation of another person, which mostly happens in students and teenagers. Even though we can see the same in COVID time period.
We should not deny that educated peoples are suffering from it due to non balance of professional and personal life.
We all must take care and need regular health check up. We all must do following written activities to keep ourself healthy and happy.
1. Always try to play with children’s and help them in studies. Also teach them new things and let them teach the things to you in their style. Never stop them if they are teaching you very common thing. This thing will help them to sharp there mind.
2. Always read Spiritual Books with childrens, parents and family. In this we get lot of power to do the things, survive in the world and lot more. It’s very important part to stay happy and a good man. J Shrimad Bhagwat Gita Ji J always helps us to live a good life.
3. Always stay busy in learning of good things, read good books (positive) and always have schedule to play with them. Talk with them about their time and other activities. Even a person who is suffering from Depression will be fit and fine.
4. Always take proper consultation from the Doctors and regular checkups are good for every person.
5. Try to do all the work and studies on time, because these are the major reason you take tension then that tension converts into hyper tension and then into depression which may cause to death as well.
6. Always try to help others. This will help you increase your power to solve the problems and you will learn how to come from it. By this way you are helping yourself as well as helping the other guys.
7. There are too mare things which we need to do i.e. activities on daily basis, keep yourself busy in the good things, etc.
There are few things which we should avoid.
1. Avoid in delay of work, studies and other good commitment which may loss to your money, result, time, etc.
2. Avoid to take tension in relationship which has no meaning or you are going to lose your personal things.
3. Avoid watching these type of movies, serials, etc
4. Avoid laziness to get treatment, if you are facing the problem. Pl. get treatment at first stage and get well soon.
5. Never stay alone specially in the sad situation
6. Never leave anyone on this situation
7. Never ever play with your life.
Pl. do take care of you health, Business, Studies, Family and others. Never ever get the work be heavy on you or studies. Please plan your schedule to complete the studies and work. 60% chances shall be you will be happy in your life.
Anyone one of you as a friend need to talk on this can talk to your friend, doctor or to me. Its only for a help to get the solution.
Nitin Grover –